
crisis n.1.危急關頭,緊要關頭;(政治、經濟上的)危機,危局...

crisis centre

Volume was going to hell due to the international oil crisis . 由于國際石油危機致使我們的銷售情況很糟糕。

He did not wish to drive the crisis beyond the point of no return . 他并不希望把危機推到無可挽回的地步。

This time the national trauma had not grown out of foreign crisis . 這次全國性的創傷不是出自海外危機。

A typical financial crisis can be divided into several stages . 一個典型的金融危機可以分為幾個階段。

Information about the crisis was sketchy and hard to get . 關于這次危機的消息所知甚少并且很難獲得。

She always stays cool , calm and collected in a crisis . 她在危難時總是很冷靜、鎮定如常、泰然自若。

The margin of time for averting crisis was melting away . 可以用來消彌這一危機的些許時光正在逝去。

Many rich families were brought low by the financial crisis . 很多富戶都因那次金融危機而家道中落。

A future energy crisis will represent a social failure . 將來的能量危機將表現為一種社會性的失敗。

As chrysler, however, it's been one crisis after another . 在克萊斯勒公司,危機是接連不斷地發生。

She had told moses about it during one of their crises . 有一次他們吵架時,她曾對莫斯說過這件事。

She always remains cool , calm and collected in a crisis . 她在危難中總能保持冷靜、平靜和鎮靜。

The family crisis really brought out the best in her . 她在家庭遇到危難時,表現出她的優秀品質。

We have been carried in safety through a perilous crisis . 歷經一連串危機,我們如今已安然無恙。

She preached economy as the best means of solving the crisis . 她大力鼓吹節約是解決危機的關鍵。

When they had dealt with the fire another crisis arose . 他們搭好火堆之后,又產生了一個危機。

The present crisis is more than any that have gone before . 目前的危機比以前發生過的都嚴重。

These countries are being swept by an economic crisis . 這些國家正在受著一場經濟危機的沖擊。

She had proved that she could be relied on in a crisis . 她已證明,在危急時刻她是靠得住的。