
cris n.= creese.


And well louis took his camera and hit the road and for two years cris crossed america to capture the common person and the extraordinary person . those who have taken their dreams and made these impossible dreams come true . his new movie , two years in his own making , its called americas heart and soul 他是荷里活美國全世界公認的才華洋溢的電影攝影師洛伊用了兩年時間游歷全美,扛著攝影機沿途拍攝,捕捉平凡人和不平凡人那些滿懷理想,并使夢想實現的,他的新電影,用了兩年親手泡制,名叫美利堅之心。

Test vector generation based on ant algorithm is presented and implemented , the pheromone computation formula for sequential circuits and status transfer rules are given , and the test results are compared with the results of the other existing test generators - hitec , gatest , cris , digate and strategate , based on standard sequential circuits iscas ' 89 and other synchronous sequential circuits 提出并實現了基于螞蟻算法的測試矢量生成,給出了針對時序電路測試矢量生成的信息素計算公式和狀態轉移規則。在iscas ’ 89標準時序電路和幾個同步時序電路上實現了測試生成,并將生成結果和其它現有測試生成器( hitec , gatest , cris , digate , strategate )的生成結果作了比較、分析。

In this photograph provided by the white house , chef cristeta cris comerford prepares a meal inside the white house kitchen in this july 17 , 2002 , photo 白宮“第一御廚”人選敲定菲律賓裔女廚師脫穎而出下廚房通常被視為女性的份內事,但在白宮卻是一個例外。

Cris johnson : only my future . . . except with you . i saw far beyond anything i ' d ever seen before . you need to get away from here 克里斯?約翰遜:只是與我有關的未來… …除了你之外。我剛看到了一些以前看到過的… …你必須馬上離開這里。

Ireland in the sixties : four women are given into the custody of the madgalene sisterhoood asylum to correct their more or less sinful behaviour : cris . . Joe gage及弟弟artie是兩個小渾渾,主要做些維他命的走私和偷運難民到墨西. .

Cris johnson : only my future . . . except with you . i saw far beyond anything i ' d ever seen before . you need to get away from here 只限于我的未來. . . . . .除了你之外。我可以看見遠遠超出了我可以預見的東西。你要馬上離開這里。

Lopez moved on with one of her backup singers , cris judd ( whom she married in a small ceremony in september of 2001 ) 接下來洛佩茲和她的一位后備歌手克里斯?賈德開始了新的生活(他們于2001年九月份舉行了一個小型婚禮) 。

Callie ferris : i believe that the urgency of this situation compels the use of any and all resources to obtain cris johnson 凱莉?弗瑞斯:我認為目前的緊張形勢,足以允許讓我們使用一切手段和資源得到克里斯?約翰遜。

Lyon president jean - michel aulas confirmed an approach from juve last week for cris and teammate tiago 里昂主席奧拉斯宣稱尤文上周在接近他們的球員克里斯和蒂亞哥

Cris johnson : i ' ve seen every possible ending . none of them are good for you 我已預見一切有可能出現的結局,不過這些結局都不利于你。

Pe : oh my lord ! ( laughs followed by long pause ) is it cris eagles 埃夫拉:噢!我的天啊! (笑了笑然后長時間停頓)是伊格爾斯嗎?

Cris johnson : if i do what you want , you ' ll keep me in this chair forever 如果我照你說的做,那你必定不會讓我離開這張椅子。

Olympique lyon defender cris admits he ' s desperate for a move to juventus 里昂后防大將克里斯承認他極度渴望轉會尤文圖斯

I ' ll own a store in 6 months and live with cris 我會在六個月后開個商店,和cris一起生活