
cripple n.1.跛子,瘸子,癱子,殘廢(人)。2.〔美方〕雜木叢...


Principal collins , what about the crippled boy 克林校長那個殘疾怎么辦

Mother scolded us far our mocking at the crippled girl 母親責備我們嘲笑那個跛腳女孩。

My father was a cripple , my mother in poor health 我父親是個殘廢人,我母親身體又不好。

Never let nobody or nothing turn you into no cripple 不要因為任何人或事而變成一個瘸子

He is now helpless , indeed - blind and a cripple 如今他又瞎又殘,實在是束手無策了。 ”

“ he was crippled , but only his bodywas cracked . “他是殘疾的但只有他的身體是破舊的.

He was left permanently crippled by the collision 這次碰撞使他永久跛瘸。

I don ' t want to be friends with a palsied cripple - 我可不想跟你這樣的麻風瘸子做朋友

But most crippling were the communication failures 不過,最關鍵的問題還是通訊故障。

Lf an old man can do it , why not a cripple 如果一個老人可以的話,為什么瘸子就不行

I ' m a cripple now ! i don ' t need this anymore 我現在是個瘸子!我再也不需要這個啦!

“ he was crippled , but only his bodywas cracked “他是殘疾的但只有他的身體是破舊的

“ can it cure cripples ? “ the woman asked again 婦女再一次問: “跛足病能治嗎?

You teach crippled children yoga here in the city 你在這座城市教殘疾兒童瑜伽

L could have crippled him for life if l wanted to 如果我想的話,我可以把他弄瘸的

That nigger will steal teeth from a cripple , man 那個黑鬼會從殘疾人嘴里偷假牙

Cripple snail : hope to find more friends here 殘廢蝸牛:希望在這里找到更多朋友!

Only a cruel person would bait a cripple 只有殘酷之人,才會用言辭折磨一個跛子。

No , scared of being seen with a cripple 不。你害怕被別人看到和一個殘廢在一起