
criollo n.(fem. criolia)1.西班牙裔拉美人;西班...


The historic centre of arequipa , built in volcanic sillar rock , represents an integration of european and native building techniques and characteristics , expressed in the admirable work of colonial masters and criollo and indian masons 秘魯阿雷基帕城歷史中心由火山巖石建成,它代表了歐洲與本土建筑技術、風格的融合,這些技術和風格體現在殖民宗主、克里奧爾人和印度人的作品中。

There are two quite different basic classifications of cocoa , under which practically all varieties can be categorised : criollo and forastero cocoas 所有不同種類的可可,都可以被劃分為兩種截然不同的大類:克里奧洛可可和福拉斯特洛可可。

The pure variety of the criollo tree is found mainly in its native ecuador and venezuela 最純正的克里奧洛可可樹主要分布在厄瓜多爾和委內瑞拉。

However , criollo cocoa accounts for only 10 % of the world crop 然而它的產量只占世界可可豆總產量的10 。