
crinkly adj.(衣料等)起皺的,皺折多的;波狀的;(毛發等)卷...


Continuous outdoor working left indelible marks in his hands and face ; suddenly i found he was very doat , in his crinkly face there was a geriatric allowance , he looked very kind 常年的戶外勞動在他手上和臉上都印上了不可磨滅的痕跡;我突然覺得他很衰老,清癯的、布滿皺褶的臉上有一種老人式的寬容神情,顯得很和藹可親。

How still the trees were , with their crinkly , innumerable twigs against the sky , and their grey , obstinate trunks rising from the brown bracken 那些樹木是多么靜穆,無數彎曲的樹枝向天空上伸,灰色的樹干,倔強地從棕爭的蕨草叢中直立!

Shiny and crinkly , the material looks more like something meant to wrap frozen foods than to provide a new way to travel through space 材料表面的閃亮與摺皺,使它看起來比較像是冷凍食物的包裝,無法令人聯想與航向太空的新載具有關。

The bell clanged and the car pulled out , leaving martin wondering as to the nature of the crinkly , greasy wad he clutched in his hand 馬車叮叮當當走掉了,讓馬丁留在那里猜想著他手里摸著的這個皺巴巴的紙團是什么意思。

The crinkly smile . - no . that would be wrong 燦爛的笑容-夠了,這樣做不好

- the crinkly smile . - no . that would be wrong -燦爛的笑容-夠了,這樣做不好