
crinkle n.1.皺紋,折痕;條子泡泡紗。2.【植物;植物學】縐葉...


Xingchen textile co . , ltd is a experienced manufacturer specialized in producing a wide range of home textile fabric , including nylon polyester , faux suede , polyester pongee , peach skin , polyester satee , etc . . we also produce fabrics with all kinds of after finishing techniques , such as embroidery , flocking , crinkle , quilting etc . hometextile finished products sush as bedding , cushion , shower curtain , curtain , table cloth are also our main products 興晨紡織是一家專業生產經營:錦滌紡、麂皮絨、桃皮絨、春亞紡、色丁等家紡面料與繡花、滴塑、植絨、壓皺、絎縫等后續加工相結合,同時生產經營床上用品、靠墊、浴簾、窗簾、臺布等各種家紡用品的綜合性企業。

It can be concluded that the performance differences between the plate membrane and the hollow fiber membrane can be attribute to difference of the stresses in the membranes when they were under pressure and the difference of the strain caused in the membrane , besides the possible reason that the surface curvature difference between a plate substrate and a hollow fiber one may cause structure difference in the dense functional layer when coating . the stresses in a hollow fiber composite membrane under an outside pressure are quite different from that in a plate one in that they exert on the hollow fiber in both the radial and circular directions , and the compress strain of the hollow fiber is thus much more complex , which may cause the top layer crinkle and a decreased salt rejection 分析認為造成平板復合膜( )和中空纖維復合膜( )性能差異的主要原因,除了平板基膜與中空纖維基膜因表面曲率不同可能引起在涂覆時形成的致密功能層結構上的差異之外,由于中空纖維膜受外壓時,膜內部承受的應力形式與平板膜不同,會同時在徑向(膜厚度方向)和環向(膜面內方向)兩個方向產生壓應力,因此,所發生的形變也較為復雜,可能造成表面復合層的起皺或脫落,引起脫鹽率下降。

It is a combination high quality natural or synthesized fabrication like linen , tencel , elastic fibers , cotton and compound processes like knitting , weaving , jacquarding . the fabric is treated with green high tech processes as biological enzyme softening and non - formaldehyde crinkle killing . the product is featuring natural health - care function , body suitability as well as graceful and fashionable design 采用羅布麻tencel彈力纖維和高支棉等多種優質天然合成保健功能纖維,并應用梭織針織提印花結合等多種復合生產工藝和生物酶柔軟無甲醛抗皺等綠色高新整理技術,具有多種顯著的天然衛生保健功能和良好的人體形態舒適性,而且具有新穎別致和高檔華貴的特殊品質外觀

“ i love that you get cold when it ' s seventy one degrees out , i love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich , i love that you get a little crinkle above your nose when you ' re looking at me like i ' m nuts , i love that after i spend a day with you i can still smell your perfume on my clothes and i love that you are the last person i want to talk to before i go to sleep at night “我愛你在71度時還得了感冒;我愛你花掉一個半小時就點一份三明治;我愛你緊縮眉頭看著我就像我是一個瘋子;我愛與你消磨一天后,還能在我衣服上聞到你的香水味;我愛你是我每天晚上入睡前最后一個跟我聊天的人。

As the automobile industry ’ s growing , more and more aluminum alloys have used in the manufacturing of automobile and aluminum alloys replaced parts of steel planks used in automobile parts which is one of the key resources for light weighting of automobiles . but as aluminum alloys have some limitation in forming such as crinkle , fracture and difficult for welding , the industrial scale of aluminum alloys is limited 隨著汽車產業的發展,鋁材在汽車上的用量迅速增加,鋁合金取代部分鋼材成形汽車零件已經成為解決汽車輕量化的關鍵手段之一,然而由于鋁合金在傳統的沖壓成形中會出現難以消除的裂痕和褶皺,以及深沖性能比較差、焊接難度高等特點,使得鋁合金的大規模運用受到限制。

Modern pharmacology study proves that pearl has the functions of relieving uneasiness of body and mind , cultivating moral character , reducing internal heat , refreshing , strengthen body with supplying calcium , clearing and protecting eyes , smoothing skin and moisture , rebirthing skin , dispelling speckles and spot , anti - crinkles and whitening , etc 現代藥理學研究證明:珍珠對人體具有鎮心安神、靜氣養性、消炎清火、壯陽提神、補鈣鍵骨、護眼明目、保水潤膚、老皮再生、除痘祛斑、抗皺美白等作用。

Blazes boylan walked here and there in new tan shoes about the fruitsmelling shop , lifting fruits , young juicy crinkled and plump red tomatoes , sniffing smells . h . e . l . y . s . filed before him , tallwhitehatted , past tangier lane , plodding towards their goal 布萊澤斯博伊蘭腳上登著棕黃色新皮鞋,在果香撲鼻的店堂里踱來踱去,拿起那鮮嫩多汁帶褶紋的水果,又拿起肥大紅艷艷的西紅柿,嗅了嗅。

Simulates and analyses possible producing failures such as blank incrassating , blank thinning , bending crinkling and forming spring in the forming process , and puts forward resolving projecet of eliminating forming failure and reasonable process parameter 對成形過程中可能出現缺陷如板料增厚、板料薄、彎曲起皺、成形回彈等進行了模擬分析,提出了消除成形缺陷的解決方案和合理的工藝參數。

Hemudu double - seasonal water bamboo , “ zhe da ” water bamboo variety has white and smooth appearance , neither crinkle nor green with suitable length ; it is very delicious with sweet taste and rich in nutrition 河姆渡雙季茭白、 “浙大”茭白品種,外觀潔白光滑、不皺不綠、長短適宜、肉質細嫩、口味較糯帶甜,并且營養豐富,深受國內外市場青睞,產品還遠銷到日本等國外市場。

Woven garments , both jackets and trousers , in heavy fabrics with complicated washes - besides enzyme / stone wash also capable of dry processes such as scraping , broken details , crinkles , sand blasting , permanganate spray and brush 梭織夾克和褲子,使用厚重的復雜水洗面料,另需酵素石磨洗和其他干性處理,如:印刮、破洞、起皺、噴砂、高錳酸鉀噴刷處理。

Long shimmering brown shirt - - - - - made from iridescent crinkled fabric designed with wrinkles and pleats , this simple shirt is brought to life with some exquisite details in unexpected places 泛著金屬光澤的金屬絲面料經過各種抓皺、打褶的處理,細節出現在各種始料未及的部位,一件簡單的衣物立刻有了別致的設計感。

I may not have a mansion , i haven ' t any land , not even a paper dollar to crinkle in my hand , but i can show you morning on a thousand hills and kiss you and give you seven daffodils 我沒有高樓,也沒有土地,我沒有在手中沙沙作響的紙幣.但我能讓你看見萬山叢中的清晨,我會親吻你,給你七朵水仙花

Taking advantage of taper roller , this machine can massage and remove the crinkles through continuous vibration , pushing and pressing of the soles placed on the thermal sole marking 經由加熱頂板之燙平作用,以及震蕩滾輪之敲擊,再配合鞋子的運轉,使得后跟之幫腳平整,且邊緣棱線非常顯著。

Durable enough to hold up to the demands of any adventure travel trip . a tactel ? nylon crinkle - finish ripstop . extremely lightweight , quick - drying , and feels like cotton 一種能夠滿足旅行探險途中的多種要求的耐用纖維。進行了防皺,防破裂處理。非常輕,快干,而且感覺像棉質一樣舒適。

Wear - resistant and crinkle - resistant high quality buffalo combined with suede as upper . rubber toecap ensures its wearability and unyielding , more protective 采用牛皮與反毛皮的結合,鞋面耐磨,防皺。鞋頭部分采用橡膠材料,耐磨且不易變型,具有保護作用。

The article introduces its spinning technology and the processing parameters of the top grade soybean protein fiber / micro - polyester blended anti - crinkle yarn 文章介紹了開發大豆蛋白超細滌綸高檔特高支抗皺紗線的紡紗工藝流程和工藝參數。

When young , we enjoyed twisting and crinkling our faces in the mirror . thank god the mirror has turned smooth now that we ' re older 年輕的時候,我們常常沖著鏡子做鬼臉;年老的時候,鏡子算是扯平了。

Besides the usual crinkling of the foil there were additional lines - very distinctive lines - very straight lines 除了通常的箔膜上的紋路外,還有些額外的紋路-非常與眾不同的紋路-非常筆直的紋路。

After being formed , the inner lining , adhesive piece and vamp can be stuck together tightly , without crinkle , not out of shape or blister 定型后使內襯膠片鞋面緊密貼合,不起皺不變形不起泡