
cringe n.,vi.畏縮;卑躬曲膝,戰戰兢兢。


While the above topics make good conversation , other topics make people feel uncomfortable . many westerners cringe at questions or comments about money or their appearance , for example 以上的話題可以開始一段很好的對話,但有些話題就讓人不太舒服。舉例來說,許多西方人對于金錢、外貌等問題或評語,就很反感。但對較親近的朋友,你有時可以稍微直接一些。

In the film , fiona shaw portrays this very well by cringing as the dog jumps on her and impusively clenching and unclenching her fist during marge ' s speeches against harry and by extension against petunia ' s family 在電影里,費歐娜?蕭完美地表現了這一點:狗跳向她的時候她畏縮了一下;瑪姬指責哈利,牽扯到了她的家庭時她不斷地握緊拳頭。

She even disgraces the name of linton ; and i ve sometimes relented , from pure lack of invention , in my experiments on what she could endure , and still creep shamefully cringing back 她甚至都玷辱了林敦的名聲,我試驗她能忍受的能力,而她總還是含羞地諂媚地爬回來,由于實在想不出新的辦法,我有時候都動了慈悲心腸哩!

Many in hong kong cringe at the mention of the word left . but during the turbulent time , leftist beliefs represented hope for this group of filmmakers - for the future of china and of humankind 不少香港人聞左色變,卻忘記了在歷史的大洪流中,左的思潮曾經寄托了一代人對家國和人類社會發展的理想與憧憬。

Guilt by association : yankee fans of the current generation can ' t help but cringe when the d - backs come to town , memories of 2001 ' s world series loss still fresh in their minds 集體情結:現今世代的洋基球迷們對響尾蛇隊進城一事仍然畏畏縮縮的,他們腦海依然鮮活的浮出在2001年世界大賽系列戰中的慘敗。

I ' m a guy , but i also feel the uncomfortable cringe when i see someone ask a single acquaintance the dreaded question : “ what are you doing for valentine ' s day ? 我是個男人,但是每當聽到有人問一個單身的人“你情人節要怎么過”這種夢魘般的話時,我就會感到非常的不舒服。

I hear feetstoops . professor machugh strode across the room and seized the cringing urchin by the collar as the others scampered out of the hall and down the steps 麥克休教授跨大步走過去,一把拽住那個戰戰兢兢的少年的脖領,旁的孩子們趕緊沿著過道往外逃,沖下樓梯。

Nothing will remain but to cringe among the captives or fall among the slain . yet for all this , his anger is not turned away , his hand is still upraised 4 [和合]他們只得屈身在被擄的人以下,仆倒在被殺的人以下。雖然如此,耶和華的怒氣還未轉4消,他的手仍伸不縮。

In admitting that and letting go of that , even the cringing , the fact that i cringe when i watch it just reminds me that i ' ve made the right choices in my life 承認,然后釋然,即使是畏縮了,正是因為我在觀看它的時候畏縮了才提醒了我,我對生活做了正確的選擇。

I suppose i sometimes used to act like i wasn ' t a human being … sometimes i look back at myself and remember things i used to say , or my hairstyle , and i cringe 我覺得自己過去有時行為舉止不像是人類…有時回過頭來,想想自己說過的話或者留過的發型,都覺得后怕。

Nothing will remain but to cringe among the captives or fall among the slain . yet for all this , his anger is not turned away , his hand is still upraised 4他們只得屈身在被擄的人以下,仆倒在被殺的人以下,雖然如此,耶和華的怒氣還未轉消,他的手仍伸不縮。

Some are genial and openly charismatic , even empathetic , while others cringe and skulk as only a consummate caern advisor can 他們中的一些人親切、有著坦率的超凡魅力,甚至能觸及對方的內心,而另一些用只有圓滿的圣地顧問能做到的程度來阿諛奉承躲藏隱匿。

“ makelele was practising penalties yesterday after training , ” the premier league - winning manager revealed , cringing , “ and he missed two out of two “馬克萊萊在昨天的訓練結束后加練了點球, “英超冠軍教練邊透露到邊聳了聳肩, “但他兩次罰球都沒有中!

But i remember cringing during those meet - the - parents sessions in secondary school . my form teachers were english specialists , most of whom had trouble with their mandarin 我的級任老師都是專業英文老師,可是,他們的華語大多數卻不太靈光。

In the early 90s i tried hungarian notation while working in c , and today i cringe when i see m in front of a java identifier 在上個世紀90年代,我嘗試過在c + +中使用匈牙利標記法,而現在我非常贊同在java標識符前使用m _ 。

Coach phil jackson cringed when the combined records of the lakers ' next three opponents was mentioned to him by a reporter 當一個記者提及湖人接下來三個對手的綜合數據時,教練菲爾杰克遜直打哈哈。

A . secretly cringe but tell him to enjoy himself - - and buy him a disposable camera and a water gun so he can have fun 心里有些擔心,可是表面上會告訴他盡情享樂,并且給他買來相機和水槍。

I dread buying a swimsuit , as consecutive horror and humiliation make me cringe in the dressing room 我害怕買游泳衣,由于接二連三令人恐怖和丟面子的情形發生,使得我總是躲在更衣室里。

I cringed when i noticed the date on your last letter . i ' m sorry i ' ve been such a slowpoke in responding 當我注意到你上封信上面的日期時,不禁吃了一驚。真對不起,我是個懶筆頭的人!