
crimson n.深紅,雞冠紅,緋紅;深紅色顏料。adj.1.深紅的。...

crimson beauty

I did so ; he measured twelve drops of a crimson liquid , and presented it to mason 我這么做了。他滴了十二滴深紅色液體,把它遞給梅森。

Enjoy the crimson autumn scenery of korea ' s many national parks and mountains 到韓國眾多的國家公園和高山去享受滿山遍地紅的景致吧。

Women knelt in the benches with crimson halters round their necks , heads bowed 婦女們跪在長凳上,脖間系著深紅色圣巾54 ,低看頭。

Enjoy the crimson autume scenery of koreas many national parks and mountains 到韓國眾多的國家公園和高山去享受滿山遍地紅的景致吧。

The entire chamber was lined with crimson brocade , worked with flowers of gold 只見眼前整個房間里都掛滿了繡著金花的大紅錦緞。

Aunt polly blushed crimson with humiliation , and frowned and shook her head at tom 波莉姨媽臊得滿臉通紅,皺著眉朝湯姆直搖頭。

Crimson night stone 深紅夜光石,紫螢石

He wore deep crimson robes , belted about the waist with a heavy , gold torque 他穿著深紅色的泡子,腰間系著一根金屬飾環。

Joe : is this a red rose ? no , you know it ' s a 19 ) crimson rose 喬:這是一朵紅色的玫瑰嗎?不,你知道這是一朵深紅色的玫瑰。

Crimson glory rose concrete 墨紅玫瑰浸膏

Colour : intense purple with a black inky depth and a bright crimson hue 顏色:深紫色,帶有鮮艷的深紅色與黑墨色彩。

Pestilence was known to have been foreboded by a shower of crimson light 瘟疫,則人所周知是由一陣紅光示警的。

Maple leaves have turned crimson 楓葉已經紅了。

“ now sleeps the crimson petal . “深紅的花瓣正熟睡

5 . shakespeare s works dark crimson morocco , goldtooled 莎士比亞:作品集深紅色摩洛哥山羊皮,燙金封面。

Maple leaves have turned crimson 楓葉變成了深紅色。

Lined with a deep crimson membrane .連接深紅色的薄膜

Mary flushed crimson with embarrassment 瑪麗羞得臉紅了。

The crimson sorrow - on the affectional features of dai wangshu ' s early poems 戴望舒前期詩歌的情思特質