
criminous adj.犯罪的。 a criminous clerk 犯...


It holds the opinion that tourism crime is the summation of criminous phenomena which take place during the process of tour ( food , accommodation , transportation , travel , shopping , recreation ) , and these phenomena more or less have a connection with tourist , tour and environment ( including tourism facilities ) . tourism criminology is the subject whose research object is tourism crime , it focus on the occurrence reasons , the spatio - temporal rules and the precautionary measures of tourism crime 本文認為旅游犯罪是發生在旅游過程中(吃、住、行、游、購、娛) ,與旅游者、或旅游活動、或旅游環境(含旅游設施) 、或旅游產業(包括旅游知識產權、旅游地所屬權等)有關的所有犯罪現象的總和;旅游犯罪學是以旅游犯罪為研究對象,研究旅游過程中發生的各種犯罪現象的形成原因、時空規律以及防范對策的科學。

Investigation and analysis of the criminous modality of uncommitted instigation 教唆未遂之犯罪形態探析