
criminology n.犯罪學,刑事學。


The theory of crime phenomena is an important part of the criminology . neither the study of the criminal causes nor the study of countermeasures of crime , can not be lack of the study of crime phenomena 犯罪現象論是犯罪學研究的重要組成部分,無論是犯罪原因的研究,還是犯罪預防的研究,都離不開對犯罪現象進行科學的描述和分析。

Fifth , it classifies behavior in criminology into two groups : criminal behavior , non - criminal behavior which is much similar in nature to the objective character of the former one 第五,本文認為,根據行為最終能否被評價為犯罪行為,刑法意義上的行為可以劃分為犯罪行為和與犯罪行為的客觀方面的性質非常相似的非犯罪行為。

So we must consider the integrative . the article determines scope of study , then analyses the relation between cause and result on criminology . at last , causality of negative crime is analyzed 先確定刑法因果關系的研究范圍,然后針對因果關系中的“因” 、 “果”分別進行分析,最后找出兩者間的聯系。

Following the mode of analysis of criminology , the causes of the drugs crime in our country refer to the natural reason , the social reason and the individual reason 遵循和借鑒犯罪學的分析進路,我國毒品犯罪的原因包括毒品犯罪的自然原因,毒品犯罪的社會原因和毒品犯罪的個體原因三個主要方面。

The writer cites some of the basic points of cesare lombroso 、 carrofaral and filly on the dangerous character to explain the theoretical development of personal danger in criminology field 并結合當前的具體情況,說明了在刑法學中,在犯罪與刑罰中強調人身危險性的意義和作用。

As wei ping - xiong , who is a professor of criminology of china university of political science and law says : “ we are experiencing the fifth criminal peak since we established our state . 正如中國政法大學犯罪學教授魏平雄所說: “我們正在目睹建國以來的第五次犯罪高峰” 。

Law - and - society theorists may have been trained in political science or sociology or criminology , but many may have been trained in the legal academy as well 法律與社會運動的理論家接受過政治學、社會學或是犯罪學訓練,他們其中也有一部分是在法學學術界接受訓練。

Consequently , the criminology scholars and the judicial department did a lot of research on this crime and gained some valuable achievements 為此,我國刑法理論界和司法實踐部門對挪用公款的理論研究較為重視,先后也取得了一些很有價值的成果。

So it is important and urgent for criminal workers to strengthen research of causality of criminology . the article makes own viewpoint on predecessors “ study 因此,加強對刑法因果關系的研究,仍是我國刑法工作者的一項重要而又迫切的任務。

Causality of criminology is very important in the domain of criminology . it is the important composition for the theory of criminai elements 它既是犯罪構成理論的一個重要組成部分,也是司法實踐中正確認定犯罪所必須解決的問題之一。

Now it has been widely used in military , industrial , agriculture , criminology , market investigation , census , medical research , and so on 現在已被廣泛應用到軍事、工業、農業、犯罪統計學、市場調查、人口統計和醫學研究等領域。

The american society of criminology launched a pre - emptive strike friday , issuing a statement attacking it as an irresponsible misuse of crime data 上周五,美國犯罪學學會先發制人,發表聲明譴責這是對犯罪數據“不負責任的濫用” 。

But in our country , scholars have made unsufficient study on it . which is not worthy of its status in the criminology system 但在我國,學者對刑罰個別化的研究還很不夠,這與其在刑法學體系中的地位是不相稱的。

In one hand , causality of criminology is complicated . in the other hand , angle and method of question for study are different 可惜,至今仍未形成統一的認識,仁者見仁,智者見智,仍然處于爭論不休的狀態。

The ucd school of law includes the institute of criminology , whose work on re - offenders was recently widely publicised 愛爾蘭國立大學法學院包括犯罪學研究所,其對再犯罪者的研究最近得到了廣泛的宣傳。

As same as tourism psychology and tourism economics , tourism criminology is a newly rising cross - discipline 它和旅游心理學、旅游經濟學、旅游市場學一樣,是一門新興的邊緣交叉學科。

In this part , the author has demonstrated the ci ' s status in the criminology system from three aspects 在這一部分,作者從三個方面論證了刑罰個別化在刑法學體系中的地位。

Therefore , it is vital for the development of our criminology to strengthen the research for crime statistics 我國犯罪學理論研究的不發達與犯罪統計研究的落后有關。

The relationship between victimology and criminology is a longstanding issue within the academic realm 摘要被害入學與犯罪學之間的關系問題是學界的一個宿疑。