
criminological adj.犯罪學(上)的。


The study is intended to focus on examination of the ten kinds of crimes that are considered as being nation - wide prevalent and scnous . by conducting a survey over the criminological theories and in close combination with practice , this article presents a brief introduction about the concepts , types , evolution , and features concerning the crimes , elaborates their current situation , macroscopically reveals the causes of their emergence , development and variation , and put forward some tit - for - tat preventive strategies and countcrmeasurcs 本文從各種刑事犯罪中把當前我國的十種突出刑事犯罪專門抽出來進行研究,在學習運用理論的同時緊密結合工作實踐,簡要介紹了當前我國突出刑事犯罪的概念、類型、沿革、特點等相關內容,闡述了當前我國突出刑事犯罪的現狀,從宏觀上揭示了其產生以及發展變化的原因,提出了針對性較強的預防和治理對策。

Crime is a particular product of class society . the study of its causation , development , and treatment is the main task of criminology . traditional criminological theory mostly consists of three research fields : the phenomenology of crime , the etiology of crime , and crime prevention 傳統的犯罪防治策略主要是以犯罪和犯罪人為主軸而展開的思維路線,這種思維模式在很長一段時期內持續左右著犯罪學的研究方向并決定了犯罪防治系統的投資比例。

Based on large amount of material and works , the paper will summarize the present situation of crimes committed by bank employees , explore the causes behind those crimes through criminological and economics means and make analysis of prevention factors 本文通過查閱大量資料、文獻,將對銀行內部人犯罪的現狀作出概括,并用犯罪學、經濟學等方法對銀行內部人犯罪的原因進行探析,進而分析其制衡因素。

As a positivistic science , criminology is based on statistics and demands a basic research method of crime statistics , the lagging behind of which limits the approach to our criminological theory 摘要犯罪學是一門實證科學,實證科學以統計為基礎,犯罪統計是犯罪學研究的基本方法。

Introduction and review on western criminological school of equality of men and women 當代西方男女平等主義犯罪學思想介評

A criminological analysis to case of 案的犯罪學評析

The criminological reflection for the system of reeducation through labor 勞動教養制度的犯罪學思考

The criminological characteristics of mental retardation 精神發育遲滯患者的犯罪學特征分析