
criminally adv.刑法上;犯罪。 proceed against ...


The fraud on letter of credit is a fraud which occurred in the field of international finance . whose tool is the letter of credit . the emphasis of this article is to analyse this crime from its legislation background , composing and character , judicial cognizance and criminally punishment and so on . the chief object infringe upon by crime of fraud on letter of credit is supervising system of letter of credit , and ownership of public or private property is only a selective object 本文首先對信用證的業務知識、立法背景與概念作了簡要的闡述,爾后側重于對信用證詐騙罪的構成特征、司法認定、刑罰適用、立法完善等方面進行了具體詳盡的分析和研究,以期從整體上對該罪有更好的認識和理解。

The latter is familiar to people because of the wide application of criminal summary procedure . while the former has more important structural impact on criminal procedure because it treats criminal cases non - criminally to exclude certain cases from formal trial , and it includes more complicated contents , so it is becoming an important theoretical topic gradually entering people ' s horizon 后者由于刑事簡易程序的普遍適用而為人們所耳熟能詳,前者則由于是把犯罪案件作非刑事化處理、把案件排除于正式審理之外,因而對刑事訴訟程序具有著更為重大的結構性影響,也蘊含了更為復雜的內容,成為一個逐漸進入人們視野的重大理論課題。

There are two opposite attitudes in theory - approval and opposition - towards the point , i . e . whether or not involuntary dangerous conduct should be legislated criminally . the author holds the approval attitude and gives the reasons from 6 points 對過失危險行為是否犯罪化,理論上存在贊同與反對兩種截然不同的觀點。筆者從六個方面對過失危險行為應當犯罪化進行了論證。

“ either the man was drunk or criminally malicious , “ he said that afternoon , from his perch on the bed , when brissenden had arrived and dropped limply into the one chair “那家伙要不是喝醉了酒就是惡意誹謗。 ”那天下午他坐在床上說,那時布里森登來了,歪歪倒倒坐進了那唯一的椅子。

Pride of place , however , goes to baby matthew medvedev , the criminally cute star of the film who has reportedly already signed a management contract with jackie chan s company 小說是寫給人看的。小說的內容則是人。小說寫一個人幾個人一群人或成千成萬的人的性格和情感。

Specialized skill : rights of the person such as the medical dispute , etc . damage the case ; economic cases such as the real estate , etc . ; the pleading criminally of economic crime 業務專長:醫療糾紛等人身損害案件;房地產等經濟案件;經濟犯罪的刑事辯護。

To date , there are 20 angkang ( peace and health ) institutions for the criminally insane in china that are administered by the ministry of public security 的報告,官方的統計數字表明,在中國的精神病院病人中,所謂的“政治”病例的比例比較高。

If an employee installs pirated software in his computer by himself for office duties , will the employer be criminally liable 如果雇員自行在電腦內安裝盜版軟件以處理業務,雇主是否須承擔法律責任?

Even to entertain such a thought is criminally insane yet he has said such things in public 甚至抱有這種瘋狂犯罪的想法,然而他在公眾中曾說了這樣的事。

To legslate involuntary dangerous conduct criminally should follow four necessary principles 過失危險行為犯罪化應遵循必要的四個原則。

How could even the best self - improvement master cure the criminally insane 即使最優秀的大師又怎么能夠治愈一群瘋狂的精神病患者呢。

Integration - the provision of apparent legitimacy to criminally derived wealth -為犯罪得來的財富提供表面的合法性。

Convict is underway criminally according to plan , and is an intelligent man 犯人有計劃地進行犯罪,是一個聰明人

Were found to be criminally responsible for the abuse of power , including 因濫用職權而負上刑事責任,當中包括

You wholly are always assuming thatthe infant ill - treats criminally 你一直都是擔當幼兒虐待犯罪

To an institution for the criminally insane .專為犯罪者開設的精神病院

. . . to an institution for the criminally insane . . . . .專為犯罪者開設的精神病院