
criminality n.犯罪(行為),罪行,罪惡。


The underwriter acting warrantee that assures insurance is offerred to obligee assure , if add up to synonymous wu to perhaps have criminality as a result of warrantee nonperformance , cause obligee to get pecuniary loss , lose liability to pay compensation by the underwriter 保證保險的保險人代被保證人向權利人提供擔保,假如由于被保證人不履行合同義務或者有犯罪行為,致使權利人受到經濟損失,由保險人負賠償責任。

Even if your situation does not reveal a prima facie case of criminality , our intelligence systems can collate the activities and modus operandi of suspected persons and syndicates . this may prove essential in any future investigation where prosecution may well result 就算你的舉報表面上顯示不出有刑事罪行,我們的情報網也可以搜集得到嫌疑犯或集團的行徑及犯罪手法,大大有助將來的調查工作,或許將來檢控成功。

Guilty suspect does not say real full name , address , the identity is unidentified , investigation detain deadline makes a thorough investigation of oneself the computation since the day of its identity , but do not get those who stop pair of its criminality to investigate obtain evidence 犯罪嫌疑人不講真實姓名、住址,身份不明的,偵查羈押期限自查清其身份之日起計算,但是不得停止對其犯罪行為的偵查取證。

Section ii deals with the history and status quo of drug criminality , it briefly narrates the status quo of global drug criminality as well as the history and status quo of drug criminality in china and the relevant legislation at various periods of time 第二部分題為,毒品犯罪的歷史和現狀。首先簡要介紹了全球毒品犯罪的現狀,接著介紹了我國毒品犯罪的歷史和現狀以及各歷史時期毒品犯罪的立法沿革。

So the criminal intention that weakens is the inner characteristics of criminal suspension , it ' s only a formal one that criminality could complete the crime but he did n ' t do it we should pay attention to terminal motives to identify the criminal suspension 中止犯的實質是犯意減弱,能而不為僅是表現形式。因此,中止犯的認定應結合中止動機進行。因悔悟而犯意減弱,停止犯罪行為的,即為中止犯。

From the point of view of establishing sound corporate governance principles in your firm , and to act as a deterrent against further misconduct however , you should report the matter to the police , so that we may look into the criminality of the activity discovered 為了鞏固貴公司英明管治的原則,為防類似不當行為重現,你應該向警方舉報,使我們警方可以調查被揭發的事件是否涉及刑事罪行。

Firstly , what is the standard to decide whether the criminality has finished or not ; secondly , in the case of attempt of crime , the extent of injury for society generally is different concerning whether the behavior made an end or not 主要探討兩個問題:第一,犯罪行為是否實行終了以什么為標準;第二,在犯罪未遂案件中,行為是否實行終了的社會危害程度一般不同。

The internet provides remarkable opportunities for individuals , communities and nations to benefit from a more efficient and very effective communications system . it also provides many opportunities for criminality , locally and globally 互聯網是一個高效率和非常有效益的通訊系統,使個人、社會和國家都能夠從中得益,但它同時制造了許多本土和國際性的犯罪機會。

Among these influential factors , unstable and / or troubled family life is the most dangerous one : single parent status , parental conflict , parental criminality , poor family management all leave children helpless 其中在這些具有影響力的因素中,家庭不穩定和不幸福的家庭占的的影響最為危險:單親家庭,父母不和,父母犯罪以及貧困家庭的教育都會讓孩子們感到無助。

The emphasis on dna , he remarks , transforms health status into a biological inevitability , and it is tempting to use the same tools to profile criminality or intelligence at the genome level 他說,過份強調dna ,會把其實是健康狀態曲解成生物的必然性,而且還會誘惑人們利用同樣的工具,從基因組的角度去描繪一個人的犯罪傾向與智力。

Objective reasons involve those relating to employment system , effect of dated and bad culture , etc . both the nation and school have the responsibility to prevent female criminality in university 而導致女大學生違法犯罪的客觀原因則主要指社會就業機制不完善、腐朽而落后文化的沖擊、女性教育系統乏力等因素對女大學生所帶來的負面影響。

The author considers that unit attempted crime is a kind of inchoate conformation and the unit has implemented criminality but failed beyond its will in direct intention crime 筆者認為,單位犯罪未遂,是指在單位直接故意犯罪中,犯罪單位已著手實行犯罪,由于意志以外的原因而未能達到犯罪既遂的一種未完成犯罪形態。

But last night the association of muslim schools said faith schools “ turned out rounded citizens , more tolerant of others and less likely to succumb to criminality or extremism . 但回教學校協會在22日晚間表示,宗教學校塑造出更加完整的公民,對他人有更大的包容力,較不容易被犯罪活動或極端主義所吸引。

The identification of criminality execution obeys the following rules : the act has concretely pointed to the criminal object . at the same time the criminal object is facing with a current danger 著手實行的認定必須滿足兩個條件:首先,行為必須具體指向犯罪對象;其次,行為對犯罪客體產生了現實危險。

Female criminality in university refers to crimes committed by university female students , which endangers the society and violate the criminal law and subject to punishment 女大學生的違法行為,是指違反現行法律規定的行為。犯罪行為則指危害社會、觸犯刑律、應受刑罰處罰的行為。

After pointing out the drawbacks of these definitions , it put forward its own definition , in which the characteristics of drug criminality is also well illustrated 接著簡述了刑法學界對毒品犯罪的定義,并簡要分析了上述定義的不足之處,進而得出自己對毒品犯罪的定義。

Research published earlier this year by one academic , michael zimecki of the polish academy of sciences , claimed to have found a link between lunar cycles and criminality , newspapers reported 傳說滿月之時是狼人出沒的時刻,但在布賴頓是游手好閑的人喜愛找茬的日子。

If the criminal ' s intention gets weak when he realizes his error and show a repentance he gives up his criminality , the criminal suspension is constituted 對放棄能夠重復實施的侵害行為,應根據行為人放棄的動機即是否悔悟而犯意減弱,作中止犯或未遂犯處理。

Drug criminality has become an increasingly thorny global issue , against which each country has been fighting a hard and enduring struggle 毒品犯罪已成為全球性的難題,世界各國都對其作了艱苦而持久的斗爭,而毒品犯罪并未就此消亡,反而有愈演愈烈之勢。