
criminalistics n.pl. 犯罪偵察學,刑事學。


The article attaches importance to the study on fundamental issues of cooperation in criminal investigation in order to enrich and develop the basic theory of criminalistics and guild the practice of enactment and judicature cooperation in criminal investigation 本文從完善我國公安機關偵查協作的宗旨出發,對偵查協作的基本問題展開研究,以期有助于豐富和發展偵查學的基本理論,指導偵查協作立法、司法實踐。

The criminalistics ' college of sam houston state university is a bigest of the usa , and was authorized in 1963 by the commity of the state 現有84個本科項目,在校生有14 , 700人, 47個碩士項目,以及4個博士項目.該校的刑事司法學院為美國最大的刑事司法學院之一,于1963年由堪薩斯州議會批準成立。

Several problems related to the disciplinary status of the criminalistics 與犯罪學學科地位相關的幾個問題