
criminal adj.犯罪的;刑事上的;〔口語〕惡劣的,蠻不講理的。n...

criminal abortion

Criminals defy the law . 罪犯無視法律。

That man was not a downright, hardhearted criminal by any means . 那人決不是一個喪盡天良的罪犯。

The police urged the criminal to make a clean breast of everything . 警察督促犯人坦白說出一切。

The detective impressed my motorcycle to pursue a criminal . 那位警探征用我的摩托車去追捕罪犯。

He is a reformed criminal who may yet backslide . 他是個經過改造的罪犯,然而仍有可能故態復萌。

The criminal was hanged . 那個罪犯被絞死。

The criminal gave himself up . 罪犯自首了。

The criminal was apprehended . 罪犯被拿獲。

Are you sure your tutor was taken away by those criminals ? 你確定你的家教被那些罪犯帶走嗎?

The war criminals sue for peace . 戰犯求和。

Your criminal record could count against you in finding a job . 你有前科對你找工作很不利。

The court will administer the punishment of the criminal by law . 法庭將對罪犯繩之以法。

The da decides to charge him as a habitual criminal . 地方檢察官決定以慣犯對他進行起訴。

The police ran down the escaped criminal in his home town . 警察在逃犯的家鄉捕獲了逃犯。

The criminal is undergoing torture . 犯人在受刑。

Blood turns up as evidence in many criminal cases . 在許多刑事案件中,血被認為是證據。

The detective put the case that mr. wood was a criminal . 那位偵探假定伍德先生是犯人。

A principal criminal fell into the net . 要犯落網。

The detective landed the criminal . 偵探捕獲了罪犯。