
crimea n.克里米亞(半島);克里木(半島)〔前蘇聯〕。 the...


Although nightingale was bedridden for many years due to illness contracted in the crimea , she campaigned tirelessly to improve health standards , publishing 200 books , reports and pamphlets 雖然因為克里米亞戰爭她患有多種疾病并臥床不起,她還是堅持各種活動去改善當時的健康水平。并出版了200多冊相關書籍,報導與小冊子。

Ukraine continued to deny that a missile was responsible yesterday as its military exercises , the largest in 10 years , continued in crimea 昨天烏克蘭方面繼續否認是他們發射的導彈導致飛機墜毀,與此同時他們10年來最近一次軍事演習仍在克里米亞半島進行。

The black - and - white image was taken in 1858 , when nightingale was 37 or 38 and already famous in britain for her work in crimea 這張黑白照片攝于1858年,南丁格爾時年約37歲或38歲,她因在克里米亞戰爭中的護理工作而成為當時英國的名人。

The black - and - white image was taken in 1858 , when nightingale was 37 or 38 and already famous in britain for her work in crimea 這張黑白照片攝于1858年,南丁格爾時年約37歲或38歲,她因在克里米亞戰爭中的工作而成為當時英國的名人。

His activists occupied the ukrainian navy ' s headquarters in sebastopol , in the crimea , declaring it a russian city 他的激進分子們曾占領過烏克蘭的海軍總部(位于克里米亞半島的塞瓦斯托波爾) ,并宣布這座城市屬于俄羅斯。

《 view of the sea from the mountains at sunset . crimea 》 1864 . oil on canvas . the russian museum , st . petersburg , russia 山區海上日落.克里米亞. 1864 .布面油畫.俄羅斯博物館、俄羅斯圣彼得堡

Manstein was appointed commander of 11th army in september 1941 , and was given the task of conquering the crimea 曼施坦因在1941年9月受命指揮第11集團軍,并接受了攻克可里米亞的任務。

Varyag no longer has the nuclear reactors that were installed by the ukrainian state - run generating systems of crimea 司令員的核反應堆已不再被裝了烏克蘭國營克里米亞發電系統

Every single thing she had learned from t crimea was there ? every statement she made was backed by hard evidence 她從克里米亞學到的一點一滴都躍然紙上? ?每項陳述都論據充分。

The crimea war and the news control in the western countries at wartime 克里米亞戰爭與西方戰時新聞控制

In 1855 she was made inspector of all hospitals in the crimea . 1855年她被任命為克里米亞所有醫院的監察員。