
crime n.犯罪;罪惡;〔俚語〕壞事;〔口語〕蠢事。vt.指控犯...


They laid a crime to his charge . 他們歸罪于他。

His presence at the crime underpins the case against him . 案子發生時他在場對他更不利。

It was not greed but ambition that drove him to crime . 驅使他犯罪的并非貪婪而是野心。

He was excellent at solving crimes . 他是偵破能手。

Lesbianism was considered a crime against nature . 同性愛被看作是一種違反自然的罪過。

He was concerned in the crime . 他與那起罪案有牽連。

You consider crime a mere spasmodic disease . 你們認為犯罪只不過是一種突發性的疾病。

Miss glover could allow no extenuation of her crime . 格洛弗小姐是不允許袒護罪過的。

The unlawful possession of drugs is a serious crime . 非法擁有毒品是嚴重犯罪行為。

The scoundrel 's crimes were too numerous to record . 這個歹徒罪行累累,罄竹難書。

Crime burst in like a flood . 罪惡象洪水一樣泛濫成災。

Police are worried that many crimes go unreported . 警方不安的是很多罪行無人報案。

He is art and part in the crime . 他是這個罪案的共犯。

Even death would not expiate all his crimes . 死有余辜。

End poverty, and you are nearer to ending crime . 消除貧窮就是更加接近消滅犯罪。

He is art and part in the crime . 他策劃并參與犯罪活動。

How romance and drama of this crime ! 這個案件既有風流韻事,又多么富于戲劇性啊!

She was seen running away from the scene of the crime . 她被看見從犯罪現場跑開。

The temptation to venture into crime was too strong . 冒險犯罪的誘惑力非常強烈。