
crikey int.〔俚語〕噯呀! 唷!〔又作 By crikey ...


So if we can get people excited about animals , then by crikey , it makes it a heck of a lot easier to save them 因此,要是你能讓人對動物感到興奮,那麼,老天,拯救?們就容易太多了。

Crikey . what a state 奇怪.真是臟透了

Crikey ! all the animals have gone mad 啊!這些小魚都發瘋了

When do you need it ? tomorrow ! crikey 您什么時候要用?明天?哎呀!

Crikey subscription , australia - 3 hours ago 個人電腦世界- 3個小時前

Ha - ha , by crikey , i wouldn t trust my game to you 哈,哈,我決不讓你看守我的獵場呢!