
cricket n.【蟲類】蟋蟀。 as merry as a cric...


What ' s the difference between baseball , cricket , and croquet 棒球、板球和槌球有什麼不同?

You think yorkshire is the best cricket side ? my foot 你以為約克郡隊是最好的隊嗎?算了吧。

In cricket , the ball is delivered overarm 打板球時,要舉臂過肩擲球

A harsh , trilling sound , such as that made by crickets 唧唧聲一種如蟋蟀所發出的刺耳的顫音

Match starts in half an hour . harry ' s got a cricket match 比賽半小時后開始哈里有板球比賽

Cricket matches also last longer than baseball games 板球比賽的持續時間也比棒球賽來得長。

Play cricket . mary driscoll excitedly 激昂地今晚當著天主的面發誓。

No , cricket , the sport . - cricket , the sport 不,是板球運動-板球運動

Worse perhaps was the idea of saturday afternoon cricket 更糟糕的還是周六下午的板球課!

We played cricket on the grass in the park 我們在公園的草地上打板球。

Jiminy cricket s environmentality challenge 蟋蟀占美尼環保挑戰獎勵計劃

We leveled our cricket pitch last week 上星期,我們整了我們的板球場地。

I also began to be interested in crickets 我也開始對板球運動感到興趣。

And relieve his tension by polishing his cricket wicket 還有透過磨亮他的板球球門來減壓

- no , cricket , the sport . - cricket , the sport -不,是板球運動-板球運動

Study on ultra - structure of cricket spermatheca 蟋蟀受精囊超微結構的研究

Cricket competition games - 4455 miniclip games 板球大賽小游戲- 4399小游戲

Sunny fields are the favorite haunts of crickets 陽光充足的原野是蟋?喜歡出沒的地方。

Cricket world cup games - 4455 miniclip games 板球世界杯小游戲- 4399小游戲