
crick n.克里克〔姓氏〕。


Before discussion of the question had proceeded further there walked round the corner of the settle into the full firelight of the apartment mr dairyman crick , mrs crick , and two of the milkmaids 他們正要把這個問題再深入地討論下去,身后的拐角處有幾個人走到了有亮光的地方,他們是奶牛場的老板和老板娘,還有另外兩個姑娘。

In point of fact mrs crick did remember thinking that tess was graceful and good - looking as she approached ; but the superiority might have been a growth of the imagination aided by subsequent knowledge 實在說來,克里克太太的確記得苔絲剛來時人長得漂亮,氣質高貴,至于說她的高貴,那完全是出于后來對她的了解而想象出來的。

There were nearly a hundred milchers under crick s management , all told ; and of the herd the master - dairyman milked six or eight with his own hands , unless away from home 把所有的牛都算起來,克里克管理的奶牛有一百頭在這一百頭牛里,有六頭或八頭牛是奶牛場老板自己動手擠奶,除非是他出門離開了家。

Dna molecular biology technique is a method occurring recently to encode information by simulating the double helix structure of dna and the watson - crick complementary condition Dna分子生物技術,這是一個最新發展起來的以模擬分子生物dna的雙螺旋結構和堿基互補配對規律進行信息編碼的方法和技術。

Jim warn t on his island , so i tramped off in a hurry for the crick , and crowded through the willows , red - hot to jump aboard and get out of that awful country . the raft was gone 我急忙往小河浜那邊趕,一路撥開了柳樹叢,火燒火燎地只想跳上木筏,遠離這片可怕的土地可是木筏不見了!

Dairyman crick was discovered stamping about the house . he had received a letter , in which a customer had complained that the butter had a twang . and begad , so t have 她們看見奶牛場老板克里克先生在屋子里直跺腳,原來是他收到了一位顧客的來信,信中抱怨他生產的黃油帶有一股怪味。

A natural incident relieved her anxiety . izz mentioned the omission of the banns to mrs crick , and mrs crick assumed a matron s privilege of speaking to angel on the point 伊茨把沒有宣布結婚通告的事對克里克太太說了,于是克里克太太就利用女主人的便利向安琪爾提到了這件事。

Inside this cumbrous and creaking structure , and behind this decayed conductor , the partie carre took their seats - the bride and bridegroom and mr and mrs crick 新郎和新娘,還有克里克先生和克里克太太,一起上了這輛笨重的吱吱作響的馬車,坐在這位老朽的趕車夫的后面。

The iron grows the reason massif and can be divided into three ore locations in a dose of ancient land of crick tower : da tong location , location of mierdai , the location of kulangnagu 鐵克里克塔格古陸生緣地塊可分為三個礦化地段:大同地段密爾岱地段庫浪那古地段。

One morning when they sat down to breakfast at talbothays dairy some maid observed that she had not seen anything of mr clare that day . o no , said dairyman crick 有一天早晨,大家在泰波塞斯奶牛場坐下來吃飯的時候,有個姑娘注意到當天她沒有看見克萊爾先生一點兒影子。

Asked angel clare absently , as he turned over the newspaper he was reading at the little table to which he was always banished by mrs crick , in her sense of his gentility 他坐在一張小桌上翻閱報紙,克里克太太認為他是一個體面人,所以老是把他安排在那張小桌上。

Hence , in biochemistry , watson and crick ' s discovery of the molecular structure of dna ( deoxyribo - nucleic acid ) is said to be a typical example of pure science 因此,生物化學領域里沃森和克利克對脫氧核糖核酸分子結構的發現,可以說是純科學的典型例子。

Our narrative begins in the early 1950s when doctors watson and crick make an epic discovery concerning the rna / dna double helix ( see figure 7 ) 我們的敘述開始于1950年早期,那時沃森和克里克醫生制造了一項關于rna / dna雙螺旋體偉大的發現(看第七幅圖) 。

Cried mrs crick , and the attention of all was called off from tess . that fair sufferer soon recovered herself externally , but she remained much depressed all the afternoon 心中痛苦的那個女孩子,表面上看不久也恢復過來了不過整個下午她都悶悶不樂。

But onluckily the poor woman gets the worst o t . well , the silly body should have told en sooner that the ghost of her first man would trouble him , said mrs crick “啊,那個傻女人,她早就該告訴他,她第一個丈夫的鬼魂會找他算帳的, ”克里克太太說。

Greg sanders : well , as you both know , watson and crick are the granddaddies of dna . without their discoveries , i ' d have nothing to do all day 格里格?桑德斯:好的,就像你們倆知道的。沃特森和克利克是dna的爺爺。沒有他們的發現,我整天就一無所獲。

Just as i was passing a place where a kind of a cowpath crossed the crick , here comes a couple of men tearing up the path as tight as they could foot it 我正經過一處牛走的小道,跨進小河濱,忽聽得有兩個人在小路上飛奔而來。我想這下子我可完啦。

He was born in chicago and studied in the usa and denmark , before moving to cambridge university , where he met mr crick as a student in 1951 沃森博士出生于芝加哥市,曾在美國和丹麥念書。他后來去了劍橋大學, ? 1951年在那兒求學時與克里克相識。

Mrs crick is gone to market with mr crick , and retty is not well , and the others are gone out somewhere , and won t be home till milking 克里克太太和克里克先生一起上市場去了,萊蒂不舒服,別的人也有事出了門,不到擠牛奶的時候不會回來。 ”