
cribriform adj.篩狀的。


Both intraductal and infiltrating ductal carcinoma are seen here . note the intraductal component in the center with cribriform pattern and prominent microcalcifications . surrounding this are infiltrating carcinoma cells 同時看到導管內癌與浸潤性導管癌。值得注意的是中心處篩型且有明顯微鈣化的導管內癌組成部分。其周圍是浸潤性癌細胞。

Results the hyperplastic basal cells were characteristically larger than normal , with oval or spindle nuclei , and formation of double layer - glandlike , solid or cribriform patterns , stained positive for 34 e12 結果顯示增生的基底細胞比正常增大,核呈卵圓形或梭形,常呈雙層腺樣、實體和篩狀結構和34 e12陽性反應特征。

Initial penetration of the anterior ethmoid is performed inferomedially using blakesley forceps . this avoids injury to the lamina papyracea laterally , and to the cribriform plate superiorally 氏鉗向中下開放前組篩竇,以免損傷側面的紙樣板和上方的篩板。

Basal skull fracture with dural tear at cribriform plate of ethmoid bone and intracerebral cyst filled with air were found during operation 手術中發現顱底篩骨篩板處有骨折并硬腦膜裂開,及充滿氣體之大腦囊腫。

Immunofluorescence - histochemical changes of the astrocytes in cribriform plate due to high intraocular pressure in rats 大鼠高眼壓后篩板區星形膠質細胞的免疫熒光組織化學變化

The classic cribriform pattern of intraductal carcinoma of the breast is shown here 圖示典型的篩狀型乳腺導管內癌。

Lobular clusters of glands with cribriform architecture 前列腺腺體的小葉簇伴有篩狀結構。