
crib n.1.秣槽;牛檻,牛舍。2.(有圍欄的)兒童床;〔俚語...

crib crime

Accelerant influence on combustion characteristics of wood crib fire 助燃劑對木垛火燃燒特性影響研究

The teacher vetoed the use of a crib 那位老師嚴禁使用夾帶。

Yo , what ' s up ? this is a nice crib 呦,怎么樣?這房子真不錯

Standard specification for precast reinforced concrete crib wall members 預制鋼筋混凝土框架墻構件

Henry . can i crib your homework 亨利,你的作業可以借我抄嗎?

Cindy , after the show , you think you could come back to my crib 辛迪,表演結束,你來我住的地方

And saturday night i was at a party at my boy ai ' s crib 而且周六晚上,我去了我兄弟亞爾家的派對

So i go to my lady ' s crib over there in the courts , right 所以我去了我老婆那法庭那邊,對么?

Mummer s wire . cribbed out of meredith 從梅瑞狄斯那兒剽竊來的。

Design and application of mse retaining wall and crib wall 擋土墻及垛式擋土墻的結構設計及應用

You can ' t just sprinkle food over their crib and leave 你不能隨便撒點吃的在他們的床上就離開

But right now , man , i got some shit taking place in my crib 但是現在,伙計,我那有些事情要辦

Furniture - cribs and cradles for domestic use - test methods 家具.家用框形物和搖籃.試驗方法

You know , it hung over my crib , too 要知道,我的小床上也曾掛過它。

We can hang in my crib , i will show you my hood 可以在我家睡懶覺,可以介紹我的鄰居給你。

Me , lonnie , and dom shared the same crib 我、隆尼和小多就同睡一個搖籃

The baby was sleeping quietly in his crib 嬰兒在他的小床里靜靜地睡著。

Actually , the complex has two pools , er , plus my crib 實際上只有兩個,當然還有一個狗房

Boat problem ? no problem . boat and skis come with the crib 船是沒問題了船和雪橇就在這