
crew n.(全體)乘務員,(中下級)船員,水手;【體育】劃艇隊...

crew cut

That was enough and to spare for the drilling crews and the teams of experts visiting the sites . 這對于鉆機組和前來視察的專家們的需要來說已經是足夠有余了。

“there's no chance,“ the doctor said. “she'll be dead before the wrecking crew can free her. “ “沒希望了,”醫生說,“她等不到營救人員把她救出來就會死的。

The video crew sent shots of cars waiting in gas lines and, separately, pictures of buses . 錄相組發來小汽車排隊等候加油的鏡頭,又另外發來公共汽車的圖像。

Our cock, which always crew at eleven, now told us it was time for repose . 我們家里養的公雞,向來是晚上十一點鐘啼鳴,現在雞啼了,我們就曉得應該歇宿了。

At this sweeping rebuke, which the cook had only pointed, the rest of the crew became uninterested . 只有廚子一個人受了嚴厲的叱責,別的水兵卻毫不關心。

The faith of the enemy air crews in their new device was thus shattered at the outset . 因此,敵方空軍人員對這一新發明的信心,從一開始就喪失無余。

I desire that the golden ship shall turn to black wood and the crew to hideous old men . 我想把那只金船變成黑木船,把船員都變為丑不堪睹的老頭子。

We also hope to determine more exactly the areas where the crew and passengers lived . 我們也希望精確地確定船員和旅客居住的地方。

Whatever the rolled emotions of the day, the crew was with him again . 不管那天出現過什么樣的思想波動,全體船員現在又都擁護他了。

The crew threw everything movable overboard to lighten the plane . 為了減輕飛機重量,機上的人員把一切可以移動的東西都扔出機艙。

Much of the poultry farm work requires sporadic use of a crew of several workmen . 雞場的很多工作需要臨時雇用一些工作人員。

Neutronbombs are meant to kill tank crews by lethal irradiation . 制造中子彈的目的是為了用致命的輻射來殺死坦克操作手們。

The next day a bark was prepared and a crew of stout rowers selected . 第二天準備好一艘三桅船和挑選了一組健壯的水手。

The german air crews soon suspected that their beams were being mauled . 德國飛行員不久就懷疑他們的射束受到了干擾。

Twelve of our crew were dead by immoderate labour, and ill food . 我們船員中有十二個人因為操勞過度和飲食惡劣而死。

Paul picked out a crew of men who could stand the heat better than others . 保羅挑選了一批最能忍受高溫的漢子。

Realising that the aeroplane was likely to crash, the crew baled out . 知道飛機可能墜毀,機務人員跳傘了。

The passengers and crew were brought off by the dover lifeboat . 乘客及船員都被多佛爾的救生艇救出。

An experienced old sailor crew throw their soul into the oars . 一位有經驗的老水手全神貫注地搖漿。