
crevice n.罅隙,裂縫。 crevice plant 石隙植物。


Scientists have discovered a form of fish that lives on top of the hot lava of under ocean volcanic crevices 科學家們已發現,有一種魚生活在海底火山裂縫的熱熔巖上方。

Clean the chestnuts up with water . drain away the water . cut a long crevice on each chestnut the with the knife 把板栗外面洗乾凈,瀝干水分,用刀在板栗上開個口子。

With an admonitory gesture to keep them back , he stooped , and looked in through the crevice in the wall 夠了,你是英國人,是另外一回事。請你們站在這兒等一等。 ”

Peppino glided first into this crevice ; after they got along a few paces the passage widened 庇皮諾第一個從這條石縫里鉆了進去,但走了幾步之后,地道就開闊起來了。

Concentration stretched to the limit , they edge their way into crevices as much as one thousand feet deep 精力的集中達到極限,攀峽者緊貼著峽縫爬下一千尺的深處。

The similarities and differences between new wall materials and traditional ones by dealing with crevices in walls 比較新型與傳統墻體材料在墻體開裂上的異同

It was found that the pitting and crevice corrosion of steel wires were the main forms of corrosion 發現70鋼絲的縫隙腐蝕和點蝕是鋼絲繩的主要腐蝕形式。

A den of stinking evil . cover your nose , boo , we will leave no crevice untouched 明斯克:充滿邪惡臭氣的地方,捂住你的鼻子,布布,我們要翻遍每個角落。

Feel the cold , glass - like smoothness and the crevices and lines that make me what i am 感覺玻璃般的冰冷與光滑,以及其中的裂縫和刮痕,感受我的存在。

The mechanism on the formation of those crevices are dealt with on the basis of the measured data 利用所得測試數據探討了三條環裂的形成機理。

Around in the crevices of the rocks grew a few dwarf oaks and thick bushes of myrtles 四周的巖石縫里生長著幾株矮小的橡樹和繁密的金娘花叢。

Standard test method for pitting or crevice corrosion of metallic surgical implant materials 金屬外科植入材料的凹痕或裂隙腐蝕的標準試驗方法

I must dry some seaweed and line this crevice . i could be as snug as a bug in a rug 我必須曬干一些海草并把這個裂縫塞好。我就會非常舒服了。

“ no , but by browsing the shrubs and trees that grow out of the crevices of the rocks . “不,石縫里可以長出小樹,它們可以啃嫩葉吃。 ”

Scrub all crevices using a soft bristle brush to remove any visible debris from all crevices 用軟毛刷擦凈所有縫隙中看得見得殘留碎屑。

Analysis of crevice arising in the wall of top floor with brick and concrete structure and treatment 磚混結構頂層墻體裂縫的分析與防治

Silken egg sacs may be hidden in vegetation , or in crevices , or buried in the ground 絲質卵囊可能被藏在植物或石縫中,或被埋在地下。

Effect of sodium nitrite on crevice corrosion of mild steel using wire beam electrode 用絲束電極研究亞硝酸鈉對低碳鋼縫隙腐蝕的影響

Control analysis and treatment measures of the water in structural crevices at jisan coal mine 濟三煤礦構造裂隙控水分析與水害防治