
crevasse n.〔法語〕 (冰河等的)裂隙;裂口。


He actually purchased the farm my father was raised on . there was a large gorge that ran through this farm . the river had changed course and taken all the dirt away and then when it changed course , it created a huge island and there were several acres of soil that could be planted and harvested , but there was this incredible crevasse which kept them from doing that 伯伯在農場會做的一件事,事實上那農場是他向祖父買下來的,爸爸也在那兒長大祖父決定要把橫跨農場的一條溝填平,河流改道導致巨大河谷峽谷形成,里面沒有泥土,河水把泥土都帶走了,它改道時形成了一個巨大島嶼,那里有好幾

From sedimentology symbol such as rock assembled , sediment gradus , sandstone grading analysis , protogene sedimentary structure , ichnofossile and logging facies etc and palaeoenvironment background , it is confirmed that shen84 - an12block s34 segment is braid river delta system , not fan delta system ( abrupt slope ) . then it can be more partition as braid river delta plain sedimentary assembled , delta front sedimentary assembled and prodelta sedimentary assembled on core and log assembled . and delta plain sedimentary assembled can be identified four microfacies : braided distributary channel , crevasse splay , overbank deposits and interdistributary bay 沉積微相研究是儲層非均質性研究的基礎,研究區有豐富的巖芯資料和測井資料,通過巖石組合、沉積韻律,砂巖粒度分析、沉積構造、古生物遺跡和測井相等沉積學標志,結合古環境背景,確定沈84 ?安12塊s _ 3 ~ 4段為辮狀河三角洲體系,而不是前人所認為的扇三角洲(陡坡型)體系,在巖芯和測井組合上可進一步劃分為辮狀河三角洲平原沉積組合、三角洲前緣沉積組合和前三角洲沉積組合,其中三角洲平原沉積組合又可識別出辮狀分流河道、決口扇、分流河道邊部和分流間灣四種微相類型;三角洲前緣沉積組合識別出水下分流河道、水下分流河道邊部和分流河口壩三種微相。

According to the abundance well logging , mud logging and core analysis data , gaotaizi reservoir has been classified into four sand group with the principle of cycle comparison and classified control . based on the detailed study of lithologic character , sedimentary structure , paleontologic fossils , depositional sequence , rock association and logging data , the microfacies of the studied area are divided into such seven types : subaqueous distributary channel microfacies ; river mouth bar microfacies ; subaqueous interdistributary channel microfacies ; subaqueous crevasse channel microfacies ; subaqueous natural barrier microfacies ; distal bar microfacies ; delta front sheet sand microfacies . the characteristic of each sedimentary microfacies are described detailedly 通過研究大量測井、錄井資料和巖芯資料,依據“旋回對比,分級控制”的原則,把研究區高臺子油層劃分為g 、 g 、 g 、 g四個砂層組。通過對研究區巖性、沉積構造、古生物、沉積序列、巖石組合及測井曲線特征進行研究的基礎上,認為研究區高臺子油層屬于三角洲前緣亞相沉積,并將研究區沉積微相劃分為:水下分流河道、河口壩、水下分流河道間、水下決口扇、水下天然堤、遠砂壩、席狀砂等七種微相類型。

According to observing the core and well logging facies analysis , yanchang 4 + 5 sector to yangchang 3 mainly developed underwater distributary channel , river mouth bars , underwater natural levee , underwater crevasse splay , interdistributary bay , far bars , etc . and some shallow lake subfacies 根據巖芯觀察以及測井相分析,認為長4 + 5 ?長3期以水下分流河道、河口砂壩、水下天然堤、水下決口扇、分流間灣和遠砂壩等沉積微相以及部分淺湖亞相沉積為主。

It is almost always due to some very special circumstances that traces of land animals survive , as by falling into inaccessible caves , or into an ice crevasse , like the siberian mammoths , when the whole animal is sometimes preserved , as in a refrigerator 幾乎總是由于某些特殊的條件,陸地動物的遺體才被存下來,如掉進難以到達的洞穴,或掉進冰河裂縫里,或者像西伯利亞長毛象那樣掉進冰窟中,有時整個動物像被放在冰箱里一樣被保存下來。

But here is a simple way to group - haul a climber out of a crevasse when traveling with two rope teams - - this method is faster and less complex than any other hauling method , and is often easier than having the victim prusik out of the crevasse by himself 但是這里所講的是一種基本的方式,在兩個繩隊行進的時候,怎樣一起把一個攀登者拉出裂縫? ?這種方式比起其他拖曳方式要快捷和簡便一些,通常也比落難隊員用普魯士結逃出裂縫要容易。

The white leader can now prepare the lip of the crevasse for hauling by placing an ice axe under the haul rope ( make sure to clip the axe into another anchor further back so it can [ chr ( 39 ) ] t fall onto the victim [ chr ( 39 ) ] s head if the lip breaks ) 白隊先鋒這時候在拖曳繩(譯者注:指黑繩)下面置入一支冰鎬(確定將冰鎬扣入較后位置的另一個確保點,這樣如果裂縫邊緣破裂的話,冰鎬才不會砸到落難隊員的頭部) 。

The white leader can now prepare the lip of the crevasse for hauling by placing an ice axe under the haul rope ( make sure to clip the axe into another anchor further back so it can ' t fall onto the victim ' s head if the lip breaks ) 白隊先鋒這時候在拖曳繩(譯者注:指黑繩)下面置入一支冰鎬(確定將冰鎬扣入較后位置的另一個確保點,這樣如果裂縫邊緣破裂的話,冰鎬才不會砸到落難隊員的頭部) 。

This paper using ls - dyna finite element analysis program to model the damage process of oilcan steel plate under no . 3 rock explosive load , analysing the effect of the mass and shape of explosive to steel plates extent of damage and shape of crevasse 利用ls - dyna有限元程序,模擬了油罐鋼板在3 (上標# )巖石炸藥爆炸載荷下的破壞過程,分析了炸藥質量、藥柱形狀對鋼板破壞程度和破口形狀的影響。

Because explosive shape is regular , steel plate mainly occurs shear damage similar to hole piercing , the extent of damage gradually increase with explosive mass increasing , finally explosion outcome will enter oilcan ' s interior from crevasse 由于藥柱形狀規則,鋼板主要發生類似沖孔的剪切破壞,破壞程度隨炸藥質量的增加而加強,爆轟產物會從鋼板破口處進入油罐內部。

Because adrenaline is flowing , it is surprisingly easy to pull too hard and pin the victim against the crevasse lip , so make sure the white leader communicates clearly with everyone in the group 由于腎上腺素上升的緣故,很容易太過用力拉而把落難隊員卡在了裂縫邊上,所以白隊先鋒要確保和所有隊員清晰的通話。

In mountaineering , player ' s work as a team to ascend and descend the mountain depicted on the game board , complete with crevasses , avalanches , and bizzards 在登山運動中,隊員們在上山和下山的過程中都會像棋盤游戲所描繪的那樣采取團隊的形式與冰川突來的裂縫,山崩和暴風雪的侵襲做斗爭。

“ the water pushes through its crevasses and tunnels at high pressure and the iceberg starts singing . “ the tune even goes up and down , just like a real song . 當水沖過它的表面裂縫和內部孔隙時,它就開始發聲了,時起時伏的旋律就如同一首歌曲。 ”

Next , clip your pack [ chr ( 39 ) ] s haul loop securely to the main rope , as some crevasse - rescue situations require “ dropping “ your pack 再接著,將你的背包吊環安全地扣入主繩(譯者注:指結組繩) ,在有些冰裂縫救援中要求“扔下”你的背包。

Next , clip your pack ' s haul loop securely to the main rope , as some crevasse - rescue situations require “ dropping “ your pack 再接著,將你的背包吊環安全地扣入主繩(譯者注:指結組繩) ,在有些冰裂縫救援中要求“扔下”你的背包。

The lakes “ depths and the rugged terrain surrounding them suggest that they lie in crevasses along ancient faults long dormant 從兩湖的深度與狹長形狀判斷,科學家認為它們很可能是蓄積在古老的斷層裂隙中,而且可以維持水深10

Even in the height of the arctic summer , the ilulissat glacier is a remarkable sight , but the crevasses tell a worrying story for scientists 即使是北極的夏天,伊路利薩特冰河是個漂亮的景點,可是它的裂縫讓科學家們擔心。

Do not walk onto glaciers or large snowfields without the proper equipment and experience ; there is a real danger of falling into hidden crevasses 想徒步冰川到四川海螺溝就可以了,至少發生意外救援都容易和快捷得多。

The depositional sequences of meandering river are typical of the development of point bars , crevasse - splays , natural levees and flood plains 曲流河沈積以發育點砂? 、決口扇、天然堤和泛濫平原等微相單元?特徵。