
cretonne n.〔法語〕 大花窗布;印花裝飾布。


Zoe ought to admire the beautiful dimensions of the sink and the width of the hearth , where you might have roasted a sheep ! when she had gone upstairs again her bedroom especially enchanted her . it had been hung with delicate rose - colored louis xvi cretonne by an orleans upholsterer 她又上了二樓,她的臥室令她興奮不已,這間臥室是由一個奧爾良的地毯商人布置的,里面掛的全是提花裝飾布,款式是路易十六式的,顏色是粉紅色的。

Shuangfei cloth industrial co . , ltd located near no . 320 national way and the largest cretonne production basis , that is xucun industrial zone 雙飛布業有限公司坐落于浙江海寧許村工業園區,是全國規模最大的裝飾布生產基地,緊鄰320國道。

Her time was running out , but she continued to sit by the window , leaning her head against the window curtain , inhaling the odour of dusty cretonne 她的時間不多了,但她仍然坐在窗前,頭靠著窗簾,呼吸著提花窗簾上的塵土氣味。

Her head was leaned against the window curtains , and in her nostrils was the odour of dusty cretonne 她的頭靠在窗簾上,鼻孔里是提花窗簾布上的塵土氣

Cretonne can be used for furniture covers and curtains 印花棉布能被用來做家俱套和窗簾。

In her nostrils was the odour of dusty cretonne . 她鼻子孔里是提花窗簾布上的塵土氣。