
cretin n.【醫學】呆小病患者,愚侏病患者,克汀病患者。n.-i...


Your ignorance is why you will always be an oaf , oaf . and now , your weakness is why you ' ll always be second rate . goodbye , cretin 你的無知就是為什么你永遠是一個笨家伙,笨家伙。而現在,你的弱點就是為什么你永遠是二流水平。再見,白癡。

When your brain burns out altogether , your mouth desengages and you babble like a cretin until she leaves 大腦完全燒壞之后,嘴巴失控,你開始胡言亂語直到她走開為止。

- you spineless cretins ! - 你們這些沒用的白癡

If that cretin really thinks 如果那個白癡真得認為

You spineless cretins ! - crowd gasps 你們這些沒用的白癡

If that cretin really thinks . . 如果那個白癡真得認為. .

You warnedhim , you disgusting cretin 你警告他了,你這白癡!

You can ' t sign that , falk . what are you , a cretin ? 你不能簽這個,福克,把你當成什么了,白癡?

Sometimes the children of a genius turn out to be cretins . 有時一個天才的孩子會是白癡。 ”

Of course not . i was a real cretin then 當然沒有,我那時候真是一個淘氣包