
crete n.克里特(島)〔希臘〕。


But after long abstinence paul stood forth in the midst of them , and said , sirs , ye should have hearkened unto me , and not have loosed from crete , and to have gained this harm and loss 21眾人多日沒有吃什么,保羅就出來站在他們中間說,眾位,你們本該聽我的話,不離開克里特,免得遭這樣的傷損破壞。

And when we had sailed slowly for a considerable number of days and came with difficulty off cnidus , the wind not permitting us to go on , we sailed under the shelter of crete , off salmone 7一連多日,船行得慢,好不容易到了革尼土一帶,因為被風攔阻,就貼著革哩底的背風岸,從撒摩尼對面行過。

Similar tombs from the same era have been discovered on crete , cyprus and egypt , which was ruled by a greek dynasty founded by ptolemy , alexander ' s general 報道說,相同時期內的類似墓穴此前曾在希臘克利特島塞浦路斯和埃及發現過。相關:希臘化時期一般指公元前334 30年,又稱希臘主義時期。

The ash is now the soil , olive and fruit trees cover the landscape , and former atlantis ( crete , santorini , and perhaps other aegean islands ) is mostly buried 火山灰現在是土壤,橄欖樹和果樹覆蓋著土地,從前的亞特蘭蒂斯(克里特,圣多里尼,很可能還有其他愛琴海的島嶼)大部分都被埋藏了。

Crete , now part of greece , was the capital for the minoan people ? an advanced civilization with language , commercial shipping , complex architecture , ritual and games 克里特,現在希臘的一部分,曾經是克里特人民的首都,一個先進的文明,有語言,通商航行,復雜的建筑,宗教儀式和游戲。

Let ' s have a look at the evidence which suggests that minoan crete and surrounding islands bear a striking resemblance to what plato described as atlantis 讓我們看看克里特文明的克里特島和周邊島嶼的證據,與柏拉圖描述的亞特蘭蒂斯驚人地相似。

A phoenician princess abducted to crete by zeus , who had assumed the form of a white bull , and by him the mother of minos , rhadamanthus , and sarpedon 歐羅巴腓尼基公主,被宙斯化作白牛,將其劫至克里特島,是邁諾斯,拉達曼西斯,薛爾泊冬的母親

Of the european union , has issued a postage stamp which appears to confuse new eu - member cyprus with the greek holiday island of crete 歐盟現任主席國愛爾蘭發行了一枚郵票,這枚郵票把歐盟新成員國塞浦路斯與希臘屬度假勝地克里特島搞混了。

The reason i left you in crete was that you might straighten out what was left unfinished and appoint elders in every town , as i directed you 5我從前留你在革哩底,是要你將那沒有辦完的事都辦整齊了,又照我所吩咐你的,在各城設立長老。

Subtle ombination natural wooden - lines fabrics with merchandise stands out the features of merchandise , which cretes the cozy and elegant shopping environment 天然的木紋肌理與商品的巧妙結合,盡顯商品特色,營造了溫馨典雅的購物空間。

Acts 27 : 13 and when a south wind blew gently , supposing that they had obtained their purpose , they weighed anchor and sailed along crete close inshore 徒二七13這時微微起了南風,他們以為對目的地已有把握,就起錨,貼近革哩底航行。

Cyprus is positioned just south of greece and looks like crete in shape . it is longer and thinner than the real cyprus and has a 郵票上塞浦路斯的形狀和實際形狀相比更狹長,在它的底部有一個矩形的突起,就像希臘的克里特島一樣。

Last year , kenteris and thanou missed an out - of - competition drug test while training on the greek island of crete 不過這已經不是他們兩個人第一次錯過藥檢了,在去年,他們兩人就由于在希臘的一個小島上訓練而錯過了一次藥檢。

Real - time watercolor painting on a distributed paper model . in proc . computer graphics international , crete , greece , june 2004 , pp . 640 - 643 在此,水彩繪畫過程的動畫生成是很有意義的,因為對此進行手工處理是幾乎不可能的。

Regardless of the legend , minoan culture extended across the island of crete , with most of its developments along the northern coast of crete 拋開傳說,克里特文明延伸,越過希臘島嶼,它延著希臘北岸,有著最大的發展。

When a moderate south wind came up , supposing that they had attained their purpose , they weighed anchor and began sailing along crete , close inshore 徒27 : 13這時微微起了南風、他們以為得意、就起了錨、貼近革哩底行去。

And when a south wind blew gently , supposing that they had obtained their purpose , they weighed anchor and sailed along crete close inshore 13這時微微起了南風,他們以為對目的地已有把握,就起錨,貼近革哩底航行。

There is evidence to show that athletic contests took place in ancient egypt and in the ancient minoan civilization on the island of crete 有證據表明在古埃及和克利特島上的古彌諾斯文化中就舉行過體育比賽。

And when the south wind blew softly , supposing that they had obtained their purpose , loosing thence , they sailed close by crete 徒27 : 13這時微微起了南風、他們以為得意、就起了錨、貼近革哩底行去。