
cretan adj.,n.克里特島的(人)。


The romans were the first group of people after the cretans to improve on the ' go - behind - a - tree ' method of personal hygiene that dominated the world at the time 當時全世界的人大都以躲到樹后面來解決個人衛生問題,羅馬人是繼克里特人之后第一批改良這種處理方式的民族。

Tit . 1 : 12 one from among themselves , a prophet of their own , said , cretans are always liars , evil beasts , idle gluttons 多一12有革哩底人中間的一位,就是他們自己的申言者,曾說,革哩底人常是說謊的,乃是惡獸,又饞又懶。

If only the cretans had 3 ) passed their toilet design on to others , the history of the world might have been changed 如果克里特人曾將他們的馬桶設計傳授給其他民族,世界歷史可能會改寫。

Acts 2 : 11 cretans and arabians , we hear them speaking in our tongues the magnificent works of god 徒二11革哩底和亞拉伯人,都聽見他們用我們的語言,講說神的大作為。

Cretans and arabs we hear them in our own tongues speaking of the mighty deeds of god . 徒2 : 11革哩底和亞拉伯人、都聽見他們用我們的鄉談、講說神的大作為。

Cretans and arabians , we hear them speaking in our tongues the magnificent works of god 11革哩底和亞拉伯人,都聽見他們用我們的語言,講說神的大作為。

Cretan goat , agrimi , cretan ibex 長角山羊