
cretaceous adj.白堊(質)的。 cretaceous perio...


Sequence stratigraphy and hydrocarbon pattern of cretaceous in the south slope area of baiyinchagan depression 白音查干凹陷南部斜坡帶白堊系層序地層及其與油氣藏的關系

We first revisited fullerene samples that other researchers had discovered at end cretaceous sites 首先我們拿其他研究者在白堊紀末期遺址中發現的富勒烯標本做實驗。

The structural active period was between jurassic with cretaceous , and stopped in the early paleogene 構造活動期在侏羅紀?白堊紀,第三紀初期構造活動基本停止。

Geochemistry of early cretaceous alkaline rhyolites from hulun lake , daxing ' anling and its tectonic implications 呼倫湖早白堊世堿性流紋巖的地球化學特征及其意義

Cretaceous the most recent period of the mesozoic era , 145 - 66 million years ago 白堊紀:地質年代中生代的最后一個紀,距今一億四千五百萬年至六千六百萬年前。

Laminar algal distribution characteristics of lower cretaceous and the relation to oil - gas of jiuquan basin 酒泉盆地下白堊統藻紋層分布特征及其與油氣的關系

Geochemical characteristics of cretaceous detrital rocks and their constraint on provenance in jixi basin 雞西盆地白堊紀碎屑巖地球化學特征及其對物源的制約

The most famous case of this is the large dinosaurs that disappeared by the end of the cretaceous , “ he said 最有名的是大型恐龍在白堊紀晚期消失的例子。 ”

The cretaceous is named after the large amounts of chalk ( fossilized plankton ) found in rocks of the period 白堊紀以這個時代的地層主要為白堊沉積而得名。

Analyses for the sedimentary environment of cretaceous strata and it ' s causes of formation in the kuqa depression 庫車坳陷白堊系儲層的形成環境及成因分析

Paleoclimate indicator and quantitative determination of paleotemperature in the cretaceous red beds 白堊紀特殊沉積的古氣候指示及紅層定量古溫度測量研究

Geodynamic significance of late cretaceous basalt in jilin and its relation with oil and gas accumulation 吉林省晚白堊世玄武巖地球動力學意義及油氣成藏

Two new pterodactyloid pterosaurs from the early cretaceous jiufotang formation of western liaoning , china 遼西早白堊世九佛堂組兩種新的翼手龍類化石

Mineral , palaeontology , middle devonian , permian to early jurassic , and cretaceous 收藏礦物、古生物學、中泥盆紀、二疊紀到早期的侏羅紀和白惡紀。

Sedimentary characteristics for the cretaceous strata in the northern depression of the south yellow sea basin 南黃海盆地北部坳陷白堊系沉積特征

New understandings of cretaceous oil generation zone in foreland basin in southern margin of junggar 準噶爾盆地南緣前陸盆地白堊系生油的新認識

Distribution law of groundwater hydrochemical type in the ordos cretaceous artesian basin 鄂爾多斯白堊系地下水盆地地下水水化學類型的分布規律

During his journey the incredible diversity of life in the early cretaceous period is revealed 從它的旅程當中還可看到種種早期白堊紀的生物。

Discussion on sequence stratigraphy and petroleum system of the lower cretaceous in liupanshan basin 六盤山盆地下白堊統沉積層序與含油氣系統