
cress n.【植物;植物學】水芹。


Lda . of macau ( ths ) , consists of tan heong san , an established coffee - roasting and tea - blending business , founded in 1950 , fabrica de bebidas honolulu , a producer of water - cress and chrysanthemum honey and a number of specialty coffee outlets 前者成立于1950年,從事咖啡烘焙及紅茶調配等技術,后者從事西洋菜蜜和菊蜜的生產,現時共有多間咖啡專門店。

Fabrica de bebidas honolulu , being part of tan heong san imp & exp . lda . , produces water - cress and chrysanthemum syrups 檀香山飲料制造廠是檀香山企業有限公司的一部份,產品有西洋菜蜜及菊花蜜等。

Water cress and minced pork soup 豬潤瘦肉菠菜湯

There ' s been no huntin ' on the road , just cress and roots , 一路上也打不到什么野味只有水芹和塊根

She imagined herself a belated traveler, a poor girl, an outcast, quenching her thirst at the wayside brook, her little packet of cresses doing duty for a bundle of clothes . 她想象自己是一個日暮無歸處的旅人,一個窮姑娘,一個流浪漢在路旁小溪內喝水解渴,那一小包水田芹就權充衣包。