
crescendo adv.〔意大利語〕 【音樂】漸強;(感情、動作)逐漸加...


The call of the yellow - billed large hawk cuckoo is said to sound like brain - fever . it is sometimes repeated in a crescendo scale until it ends in a piercing scream , after which the bird is silent for a few minutes , before it resumes from another vantage point . the ringing voice fills the air on campus from late spring and throughout the summer 鷹鵑鳥喙黃色,叫聲是三音的嘟嘟嘟,不斷重復,漸次高昂,然后尖叫一聲作結,沉靜一會后,另覓位置,再次鳴叫,每年從暮春叫到夏末,聲音清越,響徹校園。

The prominence of the violin in western music rests on its singular qualities , among them an expressiveness ranging from soft lyricism to extreme dramatic excitement , a soulful and sensitive timbre , crescendos and diminuendos unequaled by other instruments 小提琴是一種表情豐富的弦樂器,它除了能表達優美如詩般的情感外,亦能拉奏出澎湃扣人心弦的氣勢。在大部份的管弦樂曲中,小提琴均擔當一個相當重要的位置。

But through lingering shots and innocuous little clues , we gradually begin to sympathise with her . when the truth behind her past is finally revealed , the film builds to a crescendo of loneliness and pain , only to come down on a truly sweet note of hopefulness 然后,異常事情漸次涌現,逝去母親來和她話家常,流浪貓兒來跟她親近,酒醉男孩來吐心事,還有,一個作家常來她工作的郵局寄稿件,她對他有好感。

But a day of reckoning , he stated crescendo with no uncertain voice - thoroughly monopolising all the conversation - was in store for mighty england , despite her power of pelf on account of her crimes 但是靠犯罪行為取得的不義之財不論多么龐大, ”他用漸強音149蠻有把握地說并壟斷了座中的談話“強大的英國總有一天必然會遭到報應。

Three years at barcelona ' s top - level club , a booming year in 2001 even with non - booming averages like 12 points and five rebounds , and gasol found his way to a crescendo audible worldwide 在巴塞羅那頂級俱樂部的打了三年,還有輝煌的2001年,雖然數據只有并不漂亮的場均12分5個籃板,但是加索爾以他自己的方式讓全世界逐漸認識了他。

And when matthieu shoots hot piss three feet into the air as the fisting reaches a crescendo . . . you ' ll know , this is hardcore fisting at its best 而當芽馬蒂厄熱小便三尺到空氣中的握拳到達了頂峰… …您知道,這是死硬握拳處于最佳狀態

It was during that time he began his longtime association with dave grusin on soundtracks and other recordings , which reached a crescendo on 自七十年代起,萊特諾在電臺音樂節目中取得甚高知名度。

Ejection murmurs begin after s1 and are usually crescendo - decrescendo ( “ diamond - shaped ' ) , ending before s2 噴射音始于s1后,通常有漸強-漸弱特征,并于s2前結束。

The crescendo in the last movement leads up to a grand climax and a repeat of the main theme 最后樂章的高潮慢慢發展到了頂點。以重復主旋律而告終。

A visual crescendo , if you will , in a masterpiece of sound and beauty 你會發現這使得該件音樂和藝術杰作在視覺上達到了巔峰。

Repeat starting pianissimo and making a crescendo to forte and then a diminuendo 重復長音練習,弱進漸強至強音然后漸弱。

This year has seen a crescendo of attacks 今年,攻擊的聲音已經漸增。

The advertising campaign reached a crescendo at christmas 在圣誕節期間,廣告戰已達到高潮

Music builds to a crescendo ending on the right foot 音樂漸增,以右腳結束

This instantly touched off an uproar which rose in a crescendo of shrill exclamations . 就聽轟的一聲,亂哄哄響成一片,聲音越來越強,還夾著呼叫。

Characteristic is berlioz's frequent use of the orchestral crescendo . 柏遼茲連續地使用樂隊漸強,這是很有特點的。

The third line should be one crescendo . 第3行應該是漸強音。