
creole n.1.克利奧爾人〔西印度及南美各地的西班牙、法國移民的...

creole state

Mr . briggs calmly took a paper from his pocket , and read out in a sort of official , nasal voice : - date of fifteen years back , edward fairfax rochester , of thornfield england , was married to my sister , bertha antoinetta mason , daughter of jonas mason , merchant , and of antoinetta his wife , a creole , at - church , spanish town , jamaica . the record of the marriage will be found in the register of that church - a copy of it is now in my possession “我斷言并證實,公元年十月二十日十五年前的一個日子,英國郡桑菲爾德府及郡芬丁莊園的愛德華費爾法克斯羅切斯特同我的姐姐,商人喬納斯梅森及妻子克里奧爾人安托萬內特的女兒,伯莎安托萬內特梅森,在牙買加的西班牙鎮教堂成婚。

I longed only for what suited me - for the antipodes of the creole : and i longed vainly . amongst them all i found not one whom , had i been ever so free , i - warned as i was of the risks , the horrors , the loathings of incongruous unions - would have asked to marry me 你似乎很快對我習慣了一我相信你覺得在你與你的嚴厲暴躁的主人之間,有引起共鳴的地方,因為我驚異地看到,一種愉快的自在感,立刻使你的舉止變得平靜了。

Abstract : from two perspectives of the repressive aspect of victorian wifehood and miserable condition of the creole , this thesis presents a symbolic understanding on the imprisonment of bertha mason , a mad woman in jane eyre 文摘:從維多利亞時代婚姻中女性受到壓抑以及從克里奧爾混血人種在當時的悲慘境遇的兩個視角,解讀一書中瘋女人伯莎?梅森被囚禁的象征含義

For example , southern california has many mexican restaurants , and louisiana has a strong creole accent to its food . ( creole is a mixture of french , african , and caribbean island food 比如加利福尼亞州南部有很多墨西哥餐館,路易斯安那州的食品帶有很濃的克里奧爾特色(克里奧爾特色食品是帶有法國、非洲和加勒比半島風味的食品) 。

Her mother , the creole , was both a mad - woman and a drunkard ! - as i found out after i had wed the daughter : for they were silent on family secrets before 她的母親,那個克里奧人既是個瘋女人,又是個酒鬼!我是同她的女兒結婚后才發現的,因為以前他們對家庭的秘密守口如瓶。

The socio - linguistics of stigmatized language varieties - in the caribbean and beginnings . why are certain stigmas ( which ? ) associated with creole languages ? by whom 污名化之語言變化(加勒比語及其起源)的社會語言學。為何特定的污名(哪些)和克理奧爾語有牽連?被誰牽連的

Haiti is a country in which the spoken languages are creole and french , and since i only speak english and a little spanish , i clearly needed help with translation 海地的語言是克里奧爾語和法語,而我只會講英語和一點點西班牙語,顯然地,我需要有人幫忙翻譯。

Ideally your term project will examine specific empirical and theoretical questions regarding some creole language ( s ) and , if relevant , issues of identity 理想上,你的學期專題將會檢視特定關于克理奧爾語言的實驗上和理論上的問題,和相關身分認同的議題。

What role do language acquisition ( first and second ) and language use and processing play in creole genesis and in language change more generally 更普遍的說, (第一和第二)語言習得在克理奧爾語起源和語言改變中的語言使用和語言處理所扮演的角色為何?

Can creole morphology be used to typologically set apart from non - creole morphology on the basis of purely - synchronic and purely - structural criteria 以全然共時和全然結構的標準為準則,克理奧爾語的構詞法可以在類型上從非克理奧爾語的構詞法撥出嗎?

“ i asked her in my broken creole , “ marlie if you ' re ok , give me thumbs up , “ and she raised her thumb up , “ he said 戈邁茲說: “我用我蹩腳的克里奧爾語問她‘馬莉,如果你感覺不錯,請豎起大拇指示意。 ’然后,她就豎起了大拇指表示感覺良好。 ”

How do creole speakers chose to project themselves to the world ? past , present and future of ( representing ) creoleness . apparent paradoxes 克理奧爾人如何選擇對這個世界呈現他們的特性? (呈現)克理奧爾特質的過去、現在和未來。明顯的自相矛盾。

The population , forty percent of which is under the age of 15 , is mostly made up of mestizos from mexico and guatemala , and creoles 人口多半由來自墨西哥、瓜地馬拉和克里歐人的混血麥斯蒂索人組成,十五歲以下人口占總人口的40 % 。

He was a slave on board the brig creole , of richmond , bound to new orleans , that great slave mart , with a hundred and four others 他與一百零四名其它黑奴一起關在里士滿的“克里奧”號雙桅帆船上,運往奴隸大市場新奧爾良州。

Students will submit occasional works via e - mail , including critiques of readings and some hands - on analyses of creole data 學生將會經由電子郵件繳交不定期的作業,包含對閱讀文章的評論,和一些克理奧爾語言資料的實際分析。

Earlier theories and their assumptions about the contributions of europeans and africans in creole genesis . prejudices , fallacies and facts 關于歐洲人和非洲人對于克理奧爾語起源的貢獻之早期理論和假說。偏見、謬論和事實。

Creole - genesis theories and their ( implicit ) claims on the origins of creole culture and on the formation of caribbean identities 克理奧爾語起源和他們(內含的)主張對于克理奧爾文化的起源和加勒比海身分認同的形成。

What is the subject matter ? recapitulate from last time : what does it mean to study creole languages and caribbean identities 2這個主題有何重要性?上節課的概括:研究克理奧爾語言和加勒比海身分認同的意義為何?

Despite having english as an official language , most belizeans speak belize creole , a colorful english - based language 盡管官方語言為英語,多數貝里斯人也說一種較花俏的英語?貝里斯克里奧歐語。