
crematorium n.火葬場,垃圾焚化場。


New facilities for the diamond hill crematorium are scheduled for commissioning in two phases by early 2007 and late 2008 respectively 鉆石山火葬場的新設施,預定分兩期于二零零七年初及二零零八年年底啟用。

In this connection , the department is actively planning for the replacement of cremators at the fu shan crematorium and the diamond hill crematorium 本署現正積極計劃更換富山火葬場和鉆石山火葬場的火化爐。

The department provides efficient and dignified cremation or burial services through six crematoria and 11 public cemeteries 本署轄下的六個火葬場和11個公眾墳場,提供有效率及莊嚴得體的火葬及土葬服務。

The department provides efficient and dignified cremation or burial services through six crematoria and 11 public cemeteries 本署轄下六個火葬場和11個公眾墳場,提供有效率及莊嚴得體的火葬或土葬服務。

Air pollution licensing for kwai chung crematorium , fu shan crematorium , crushing plants and concrete batching plant at anderson road quarries 葵涌火葬爐富山火葬爐碎石機及混凝土機的空氣污染防治牌照

C the section of cape collinson road from the slip - road leading to the crematorium to shek o road will be re - routed one - way westbound ( c )歌連臣角道介乎通往火葬場的支路與石澳道的一段,改為單程西行。

Replacement of four cremators in kwai chung crematorium was completed , with the new facilities commissioned in early 2003 葵涌火葬場更換四個火化爐的工程已完竣。新設施已于二零零三年年初投入服務。

The fehd provides efficient and dignified cremation and burial services through six crematoria and 11 public cemeteries 本署轄下的六個火葬場和11個公眾墳場,提供有效率和莊嚴得體的火葬及土葬服務。

The existing cremators at the fu shan crematorium are being replaced , with the work scheduled for completion in mid - 2004 富山火葬場更換火化爐的工程正在進行,預期于二零零四年年中竣工。

Replacement of existing cremators at the fu shan crematorium is in progress and is scheduled for completion in mid 2004 富山火葬場現正進行更換火化爐工程,預期于二零零四年年中竣工。

C cape collinson road from the slip - road leading to the crematorium to shek o road will be re - routed one - way westbound C歌連臣角道由通往火葬場的支路至石澳道的一段,改為單程西行。

A section of cape collinson road from the crematorium slip road to shek o road will be re - routed one - way westbound (一)介乎火葬場支路至石澳道之間的一段哥連臣角道會改為單程西行;

In addition , planning for increasing and upgrading the cremation facilities at other crematoria is underway 除此之外,食環署正計劃逐步增加及提升其他火葬場的火化設施。

The access road adjacent to the diamond hill funeral parlour leading to sze chen hall of diamond hill crematorium 毗連鉆石山殯儀館,通往鉆石山火葬場思親堂的通路。

The current replacement works at the diamond hill crematorium are expected to complete by mid - 2006 現正施工的鉆石山火葬場換爐工程,亦可望于二六年年中完成。

We are also responsible for the management of 11 public cemeteries , six crematoria and eight gardens of remembrance 個公眾墳場、六個火葬場和八個紀念花園。

We are also responsible for the management of 11 public cemeteries , six crematoria and eight gardens of remembrance 個公眾墳場六個火葬場和八個紀念花園。

Refurbishment of the christian service halls in the cape collinson crematorium will commence in 2003 歌連臣角火葬場西式禮堂的翻新工程將于二零零三年展開。

Funds have been secured for reprovisioning four existing cremators at the kwai chung crematorium 本署已獲得撥款,用以更換葵涌火葬場的四個火化爐。