
cremator n.火葬者,焚尸人;焚尸爐;垃圾焚化爐。adj.-tor...


Completed a total of 62 new major facilities , including 26 new schools , 2 school improvement projects , 1 cremator replacement , 7 recreation and government facilities , 9 hospital redevelopment and improvement projects , 2 toilet improvement works , 2 markets , 4 facilities improvement works , 5 enhancement of security facilities , 2 buildings of the science park and 2 fire stations with ambulance depot 順利完成62項新建大型設施,包括26間學校、 2項學校改善工程、 1項火葬場焚化爐更換工程、 7個康樂及政府設施、 9項醫院重建及改善工程、 2項廁所改善工程、 2個街市、 4項公共設施改善工程、 5項提升保安設施工程、科學園內2幢大樓及2個綜合消防局及救護車站

Moreover , under the air pollution control ( furnaces , ovens and chimneys ) ( installation and alteration ) regulations , for a pet cremator ( and any other cremators ) of an installed capacity not high enough to be classified as a specified process , if it consumes more than - 此外,根據《空氣污染管制(火爐、烘爐及煙? ) (安裝及更改)規例》的規定,如寵物焚化爐(及其他所有焚化爐)的裝置能力未達指明工序規模,但其使用燃料的總量超過下列數值-

Even for a cremator of a small capacity , if it causes any air pollution problems to its neighbourhood , epd can issue air pollution abatement notices to its owner under the air pollution control ordinance . any person who does not comply with the air pollution abatement notices commits an offence 即使焚化爐的規模不大,但倘若對鄰近居民造成空氣污染問題,環保署也可根據《空氣污染管制條例》所賦予的權力,對焚化爐的擁有人發出空氣污染消減通知。

Regarding environmental problems caused by pet cremators located in multi - storey industrialcommercial buildings , the government had received two complaints over the past three years . both of the complaints were about odour emitted by a pet cremator located in an industrial building (二)關于多層工商業大廈內寵物焚化爐引起的環境問題,政府在過去三年共收到兩宗投訴,都是關于一幢工業大?內一個寵物焚化爐在運作時發出異味的問題。

Its owner has to submit the plans and specifications of the cremator to epd for approval not less than 28 days prior to its installation , and should only install and operate the cremator after the plans and specifications have been approved 其擁有人必須在安裝焚化爐前不少于28天,向環保署呈交焚化爐的圖則及規格,并須在獲得該署批準圖則及規格后,方可安裝和操作焚化爐。

After receiving the complaints , the environmental protection department ( epd ) had conducted a number of site investigations , but could not find any environmental problems caused by the cremator 在接獲投訴后,環境保護署(環保署)曾多次進行實地調查,但并未發現有關的焚化爐造成環境污染問題。

Under the air pollution control ordinance , the operation of a pet cremator ( and any other cremators ) of an installed capacity exceeding 0 . 5 tonne per hour is a “ specified process “ (三)根據《空氣污染管制條例》的規定,寵物焚化爐(及其他所有焚化爐) ,如其裝置能力超過每小時0

The owner of the cremator has to apply for and obtain a specified process licence from epd before he is allowed to operate the cremator 5公噸,它們的操作便屬指明工序,焚化爐的擁有人必須事先向環保署申領并獲取指明工序牌照,方可操作焚化爐。

Nevertheless , the operator of the facility had improved the operation of the cremator to reduce the possible impact on the people in its neighbourhood 雖然如此,該設施的負責人已改善焚化爐的運作,減少對附近人士可能造成的影響。

Epd has been monitoring the cremator closely and will take appropriate enforcement action if environmental problems are found 環保署會繼續密切留意有關設施,一旦發現引起環境問題,便會采取相應的執法行動。

Construction of a stand - alone animal cremator for animal carcasses ; and use of landfills for security waste 興建一所獨立的動物尸體火化爐,處置動物尸體;及

Construction of a stand - alone animal cremator for animal carcasses ; and 興建一所獨立的動物尸體火化爐,處置動物尸體及

General technical conditions for fuel oil cremator 燃油式火化機通用技術條件