
cremation n.燒化,火葬;(垃圾)焚化(法)。n.-ist 火葬論...


Booking of cremation sessions is normally processed on a first - come - first - served basis 食環署火葬預訂辦事處一般以先到先得形式辦理預訂火葬時段申請。

Whether it knows the existing number of private operators providing cremation service for pets (一)是否知悉目前提供寵物火化服務的私營機構數目;

To control the quality and volume of emissions generated from cremation services , we have 為控制火葬服務所產生廢氣的質量,本署已采取下列措施:

A place , especially a funeral home , where dead bodies are kept before burial or cremation 太平間一種在埋葬或火化之前存放尸體場所,尤指殯尸房

To control the quality and volume of emissions generated from cremation services , we 為控制火葬服務所產生廢氣的質量,本署已采取下列措施:

Stop the cremation 別火化了

Planning for upgrading of cremation facilities at other crematoria is also under way 食環署亦正計劃提升其他火葬場的火化設施。

Public mortuaries , cremation permits , cemeteries and crematoria services ; and 公眾殮房墳場火葬場服務火葬許可證辦事處

Cremation service for pets 寵物火化服務

In dachau ' s camp , they ' ll only sentence the priest into the cremation field 在達紹集中營里的命令只會把神父們送進火葬場

Cremation of dead body 安排火葬死者的遺體

Cremation permit offices 火葬許可證辦事處

Upgrading of cremation facilities 改善火葬設施

Are you sure about the cremation 你堅持火葬嗎

Whether it has plans to resume the provision of animal cremation service ; and 有否計劃恢復提供動物火化服務及

While the cremation is taking place 火葬開始以后

They ' re not buying cremation . they don ' t even acknowledge the word 他們不認可火葬他們甚至不接受“火葬“這個詞

While the cremation is taking place . . 火葬開始以后

Arranging a cremation or coffin burial 火葬及土葬的安排