
cremate vt.燒成灰;火葬。


It is the government s policy to promote cremation over burial , and during the year more than 82 . 8 per cent of all bodies 30 , 161 - were cremated 政府的一貫政策是鼓勵市民采用火葬而非土葬。年內,本署為30 161具遺體占總數82 . 8 %提供火葬服務。

After his father dies , mr godwin struggles with his dying wish to be cremated : the crematoriums are out of butane gas , the morgues are out of diesel 父親死后,戈德溫盡力滿足他的遺愿,進行火葬,而且火葬時不能有丁烷氣,太平間不能有汽油。

There was a businessman who was dying so he called his friend and said , “ please , after i die , can you do me a favor ? can you cremate me ? 有一個生意人在他快往生之前,打電話告訴他的朋友說:我死了以后,請你幫我一個忙,將我火葬,好嗎?

The ivc people buried the dead , whereas the dead were cremated in the vedic time , suggesting influence of external cultures over time 印度河流域文明是使用土葬,而吠陀時期是使用火葬,暗示了隨著時間的過去,受到了外來文明的影響。

Everyone said she was a gem . now , just eight ounces of cremated remains is all it takes to turn your mother into a diamond 大家都說她是一顆鉆石。現在,只要八盎司骨灰就可以把您母親的骨灰打造成一顆鉆石,永遠紀念您的母親。

After six years , human remains buried in public cemeteries have to be exhumed , to be either cremated or reburied in an urn cemetery 在公眾墳場土葬的遺骸,必須在六年后撿掘,然后火化或重葬于金塔墳場。

After six years , human remains buried in public cemeteries have to be exhumed , to be either cremated or reburied in an urn cemetery 在公眾墳場土葬的遺骸,必須于六年后撿拾,然后火化或重葬于金塔墳場。

After six years , human remains buried in public cemeteries have to be exhumed to be either cremated or reburied in an urn cemetery 在公眾墳場土葬的遺骸,必須于六年后撿拾,然后火化或重葬于金塔墳場。

So he was cremated , like he wanted , and like i say , half his ashes was interred here , and the rest i sent up to his folks 我留下了一半骨灰,另一半給了他家人,他們應該知道斷背山在哪。

Aachan naeb died on december 6 , 2526 ( 1983 ) at the age of 86 , and was cremated in ceremony at wat mongkut in bangkok 阿姜念逝世于佛歷2526年12月6日,享年86歲,在曼谷的蒙庫寺火化。

Now , just eight ounces of cremated remains is all it takes to turn your mother into a diamond 現在,只要八盎司骨灰就可以把您母親的骨灰打造成一顆鉆石,永遠紀念您的母親。

But just as he was about to be cremated , he jumped out of the coffin , shouting , hey 當那個人的棺木正要火化時,他當然趕快跳出來,說:唉呀呀呀!不要火葬不要火葬!

The corpse of anyone who died from a quarantinable epidemic disease must be cremated at a nearby place 對因患檢疫傳染病而死亡的病人尸體,必須就近火化,不準移運。

Rinpoche was cremated on november 19th and his relics removed from the stupa six days later 仁波切的肉身于十一月十九日火化他的舍利子于六天后于舍利塔中取出。

He use to say he wanted to be cremated , ashes scattered on brokeback mountain 他曾經說過死后要火化,然后把骨灰撒在斷背山上,我也不知道那是什么地方。

The corpse of anyone who died from a quarantinable infectious disease must be cremated at a nearby place 因患檢疫傳染病而死亡的尸體,必須就近火化。

First , she wanted to be cremated , and second , she wanted her ashes scattered over bloomingdales 第一,她要火化;第二,她要把骨灰撒到布魯明黛。

Cobain was 4 ) cremated , and his 5 ) ashes were 6 ) scattered in the wishkah river , washington 寇平被火葬,且其骨灰被撒在華盛頓州的瓦希卡河里。

Of the shortest , longest and average waiting time for cremating bodies at present (一)現時火化遺體的最短、最長及平均輪候期;