
creepy adj.慢慢爬行的;癢癢的;毛骨悚然的;〔英學〕討好老師...


Let ' s go see that creepy movie 讓我們一起去看那恐怖電影。

That was a creepy movie . i ' ll probably have nightmares tonight 那是一部恐怖片。今晚我也許會做惡夢。

It ' s so creepy . let ' s go to paris 真讓我發憷我們去巴黎吧

But i was in the middle of being balled out by my creepy manager .不過那時我那個嚇人的經理正在訓我

Your hand . it ' s a creepy coincidence 你的手是個恐怖的巧合

That was a creepy moie . i ' ll probably hae nightmares tonight 那是一部恐怖片。今晚我也許會做惡夢。

You ' re gonna leave us alone in this creepy old house 你就讓我倆自個兒呆在這間毛骨悚然的屋子里?

You ' re gonna ieave us alone in this creepy old house 你就讓我倆自個兒呆在這間毛骨悚然的屋子里?

That was a really creepy coincidence 那樣的巧合實在太離奇了

Okay , come on , we just need some creepy , dangerous kind of music . go 好,來點驚悚危險的音樂開始

Still creepy looks awfully boring 還是色迷迷的看起來就討人厭

It ' s creepy , baby ! it ' s creepy 真令人害怕,乖乖!真令人害怕

Look , i find white goodman creepy , just like you do . . 聽著,我跟你們一樣覺得懷特古德曼是個怪人

Ah , there ' s creepy a teenager ' s always staring at me out there 那兒老有個鬼鬼祟祟的小青年偷看我

- lt ' s not creepy , it ' s old . - l like mom ' s better -這沒什么好害怕的,就是舊了點-媽媽才不會這樣

- it ' s not creepy , it ' s old . - i iike mom ' s better -這沒什么好害怕的,就是舊了點-媽媽才不會這樣

It was very scary . - it was creepy too 非常嚇人-非常毛骨悚然

- it was very scary . - it was creepy too -非常嚇人-非常毛骨悚然

Lt ' s not creepy , it ' s old . - l like mom ' s better 這沒什么好害怕的,就是舊了點-媽媽才不會這樣