
creeper n.1.爬行物;蠕蟲;爬蟲;卑躬屈節[巴結討好]的人。2...


I sit on the grass and gaze upon the sky and dream of the sudden splendour of thy coming ? all the lights ablaze , golden pennons flying over thy car , and they at the roadside standing agape , when they see thee come down from thy seat to raise me from the dust , and set at thy side this ragged beggar girl a - tremble with shame and pride , like a creeper in a summer breeze 我坐在草地上凝望天空,夢想著你來臨時候那忽然炫耀的豪華? ?萬彩交輝,車輦上金旗飛揚,在道旁眾目睽睽之下,你從車座下降,把我從塵埃中扶起坐立你的旁邊,這襤褸的丐女,含羞帶喜,像蔓藤在暴風中顫搖。

The gang investigates the dastardly plans of a masked villain who is planning to take control of the city of coolsville by tampering with the “ monster machine “ that reproduces mystery , inc s classic foes such as the 10 , 000 volt ghost , captain cutler and the creeper . their investigation leads them to the coolsonian museum where they are attending a book release red carpet event , along the way they encounter the mysterious museum curator patrick seth green and a pesky reporter alicia silverstone , with a reported romantic subplot between the reporter and our beloved fred 繼上次搗破嘩鬼島后,大丹狗阿縮聯同解迷公司成員宵基發哥黛安芬及豬扒又再出動今次的對手是一個神秘蒙面的大壞蛋,他利用怪獸機器制造多個解迷公司的死敵包括飛鬼黑騎士鬼及及擁有一萬伏特的發電鬼。

While doing so , he observed m . noirtier at one of the open windows , where the old man had been placed that he might enjoy the last rays of the sun which yet yielded some heat , and was now shining upon the dying flowers and red leaves of the creeper which twined around the balcony 當維爾福向屋子里望去的時候,正巧看見諾瓦蒂埃先生坐在一扇打開著的窗子后面,在享受落日的余輝。傍晚的太陽還能產生一些暖意,照射在那盤繞在陽臺四周的爬墻類植物的枯萎的花上和紅色的葉子上。

S saw a dim and bluish light , which , as well as the air , entered , not merely by the aperture he had just formed , but by the interstices and crevices of the rock which were visible from without , and through which he could distinguish the blue sky and the waving branches of the evergreen oaks , and the tendrils of the creepers that grew from the rocks ,唐太斯本來以為洞里一定很黑暗,空氣中一定帶著濃重的腐臭味,但到了里面,他卻看到一片淺藍色的昏暗的光線,這種光線,象空氣一樣,并非只是從他剛才挖開的洞口那兒射來的,是從巖石的裂縫里穿進來。這些在洞外是看不到的,但到了洞里,卻可以透過它們看到那蔚藍的天空,看到那些長在石縫里的常春藤,卷須蔓和野草的枝葉。

But for some disarray the work , perhaps , of the birds that had fed upon him , or of the slow - growing creeper that had gradually enveloped his remains the man lay perfectly straight - his feet pointing in one direction , his hands , raised above his head like a diver s , pointing directly in the opposite 除了一些地方亂糟糟而外也許是吃尸體的大鳥或是逐步纏住尸體的蔓草造成的,死人筆直地躺著,腳指向一方。手像跳水時那樣舉過頭頂,正指著相反的方向。

Sdkfz . 9 is largest half a creeper truck which germany used in world war ii , begun to develop in 1936 by famo company , put out the productive f3 type formally in 1939 , 250 horsepowers of model hl108tukrm engine which the car installation maybach company of the model f3 produced Sdkfz . 9是二戰中德國使用的最大的半履帶車,由famo公司于1936年開始研制, 1939年推出正式生產型f3型, f3型車安裝maybach公司生產的250馬力hl108tukrm型發動機。

The research covered two aspects : one was the interspecific hybridization technology of boston ivy ( parthenocissus tricuspidata ) and virginia creeper ( parthenocissus quinqeufolia ) and the analysis of their hybrid obstacle 論文研究了地錦( parthenocissustricuspidata )和五葉地錦( parthenocissusquinqeufolia )的種間雜交技術,對雜交障礙進行了分析。

At the foot of a pretty big pine , and involved in a green creeper , which had even partly lifted some of the smaller bones , a human skeleton lay , with a few shreds of clothing , on the ground 在一棵相當高大的松樹腳下橫著一具死人骨架,被綠色的蔓草纏住了,有幾塊較小的骨頭被局部向上提起,地上殘留有一些爛布條。

The craving of the man addicted to careless living grows like a maluva creeper . he jumps hither and thither , like a monkey in the forest looking for fruit 沉溺于放縱生活的就好像瑪路華地方的蔓藤蘿,跳到這里、跳到那里;活像猴子在森林內找尋野果。

Is a large genus with over 800 species of different forms , including creepers , climbers , shrubs , small and large trees . by prof . c . y 回頭說ficus ,它是個大屬,包括超過800種不同形態的植物,有匍匐的、攀緣類、灌木、和大小樹木等。

Tendrils may be branched , or unbranched , and may have terminal adhesive disks , as in the virginia creeper 卷須可能具有分枝,也可能無分枝,末端還會有吸盤,例如五葉地錦。

The virginia creeper we planted last year has run riot and covered half the wall 我們去年種的五葉地錦亂長一氣,現在已爬到半墻高了。

Circle chain creeper 圓環鏈爬車機

Wall creeper type jib crane 墻裝旋臂吊車

They made their way through a jungle woven with creepers and vines 他們穿過一個被攀援植物和藤蔓植物纏繞的叢林。

They make their way through a jungle weave with creeper and vine 他們穿過一個為攀緣植物和藤蔓植物纏繞的叢林。

See the creeper over there 看見那兒鬼鬼祟祟的人嗎?

Step by step , the sleepy creeper crawled into my sleee to sleep 昏昏欲睡的爬蟲一步一步爬進我的袖子里睡覺

Step by step , the sleepy creeper crawled into my sleeve to sleep 昏昏欲睡的爬蟲一步一步爬進我的袖子里睡覺