
creep CREEP =Committee for the Ree...

creep hole

The hours crept anxiously by: another evening came . 時間在焦慮不安中悄悄過去:又是一個晚上來了。

Winter creeps on . 冬天不知不覺地來臨。

Age creeps upon us . 我們不知不覺地就老了。

A note of doubt crept in . 產生了一絲疑慮。

Age creeps on us all . 我們的年齡都在增長。

You did give me a scare , creeping up on me like that ! 你那樣悄悄地過來,真把我嚇了一大跳!

The jungle was creeping back to its old strongholds . 莽叢密林一步一步地蔓延到了古老的城堡。

When he had passed, the hidden books crept out again . 在他死后,隱藏的書籍又悄悄地出現了。

A little note of hysteria crept into tonder's laughter . 托德的笑聲里帶了點歇斯底里的音調。

As for this palace of yours, it gives me the creep . 至于你的這座王宮,它可叫我心驚肉跳。

I can creep under the door . 我能從門底下爬過去。

Hours later i unlocked the door and crept downstairs . 過了幾小時,我打開門,溜下了樓。

At once another figure crept out from the shadows of the house . 屋影下立刻走出一個人。

I don't like to see these foreigners creeping in . 我不喜歡看著這些外國人悄悄鉆進來。

Her skin crept in sympathy . 她同情得直起雞皮疙瘩。

Frequency modulation does not allow static to creep in . 頻率調制不允許靜電干擾混入。

The insect crept further underneath . 蟲再往底下爬。

A sort of undefined longing crept upon them . 有一種說不出名目的渴望使他們心里發癢。

No one noticed the boy as he crept off . 當他爬出來時,誰也沒有注意到這個小男孩。