
creek n.克里克人〔以馬斯科吉部族為主的美國一印第安大部族,原...


' cause i think i saw it today , it was way back in the creek , 因為我今天看到它了又被沖回了河邊

When cold creek farm was in its heyday , 當凜冽莊園處于全盛時期時

What is the backup location for this ? - wilson ' s creek 替補外景拍攝場地是什么? -是威爾遜小溪

My old bull , , , wandered off , , , and died in this here creek , 我的老牛. . .走丟了. . .死在這溪邊了

My old bull . . . wandered off . . . and died in this here creek 我的老牛. . .走丟了. . .死在這溪邊了

The creeks boxed up about 400 or 500 people at fort mims 克里克人在米姆斯要塞包圍了四五百人

Then why didn ` t he go back to willow creek 那他為什么不去柳溪農莊?

Numerical computation of flood control level for suzhou creek 蘇州河干流防洪水位的數值計算

Then why didn t he go back to willow creek 那他為什么不去柳溪農莊?

I saw what happened at wounded knee creek 我看見了在傷膝灣發生了什么

What ' s that ? like up shit creek without a paddle 怎么樣?情況很糟嗎

The perfect setup is where he goes across a small creek 更完美的計劃是讓他穿過一條小河。

I ' m on my way to the creek . i need to get water 我要去小溪我需要一些水

Yeah , i know , with the creek and the no paddle 是的我知道遇到大麻煩了

Okay , you ' ve gone belly - up in shit ' s creek 你們已經不幸陷入了該死的河流

That s impossible . the creek is swelled by the rains “那可辦不到,因為下雨河水漲了。

Shit . . . when bubba ho - tep comes out of that creek bed , 該死. . .當鬼從河床里爬出來的時候

And then we had the time of our lives out at willow creek 我們就在那柳溪農莊里搞起來

My old bull . wandered off . and died in this here creek 我的老牛.走丟了.死在這溪邊了