
creed n.1.【宗教】教義,信條。2.主義,綱領,宗派。


“ to refrain from speaking what is not true , “ i think that s true for most creeds 主持人:不妄語,大多數宗教的教義都有這樣要求。

On may 1 , 2005 , our country will begin to carry out the new letter creed example 2005年5月1日,我們國家開始執行新的信訪條例。

Courage is our creed 勇者無敵。

It was a creed written into the founding documents that declared the destiny of a nation 這句話的精神寫在我們建國的憲章中。

People of all colors and creeds have come here to celebrate the holiday 各種膚色和各種宗教信仰的人聚集在這里歡度節日。

Now america is embracing a new ethic and a new creed : “ let ' s roll . 現在,美國要遵循的信條是: “讓我們開始沖吧。 ”

For jesus the neighbour is one in need , irrespective of ethnic origin or creed 耶穌是指有需要的人,不分國籍或信仰。

Creed key board perforator 克里德鍵盤穿孔機

Here is a message that transcends the rites of any church or creed 大自然在此的啟示勝過任何一種宗教的儀式或教義。

Sole creed of weikang creature is to treat helping others as greatest pleasure 偉康生物的唯一信念是棗助人為樂!

No matter what race , creed or color , we ' re all under the one sky 不論種族、信念、和膚色,我們都在同一個天空下

What is your political creed 你的政治信仰是什么?

The laws apply to everyone irrespective of race , creed or colour 法律適用於所有的人,不分種族、信仰或膚色

That is the creed of this site 這就是我們的信條。

I never thought i ' d be happy to hear anything that sounds like creed 我從沒想到過聽到信條樂隊我會這么高興

You ' re all ages , colors , creeds . we ' re all you know 你們有著不同的年紀、膚色、信仰我們是你們所了解的一切

The laws apply to everybody irrespective of race , creed or colour 法律適用于所有人,不分種族、信仰或膚色。

The laws apply to everyone irrespective of race , creed or colour 法律適用于所有的人,不分種族、信仰或膚色

The laws apply to everyone irrespective of race , color , or creed 法律對人人都適用,不分種族,膚色或信仰。