
cree n.北美印第安人的克里族;克里語。


This paper describes some experimental investigations of propagation properties of sound in various types and thickness of grain samples using the method of standing wave tube for the first time , extends the sound propagation theory in porous media and develops the sound propagation model in grain , analyzes and identifies the cree ping sound signals of five species of pests 為了深入研究和有效監測糧堆內部深層害蟲發出聲信號的傳播特性,本文首次采用駐波管法,對聲信號在不同種類、不同厚度糧食中傳播特性進行了檢測和分析,并且進一步推廣、發展了多孔介質中聲傳播理論,建立了糧食中聲波傳播模型。

Hose of the great people tewa , hopi , lakota , navajo , cree and all other tribes and of my tribe , the two - legged , we have come here together . thomas and sherri one wolf did not create this , you did 有偉大的族人們泰瓦霍皮拉闊達那瓦荷柯瑞等族以及我的兩只腳的同族們,我們來此聚在一起,這不是湯瑪斯和雪莉萬渥夫所創造出來的,而是你們。

Q . de lequipe qui avait cree le festival en 2000 , il ne reste que si sushi . que sest - il passe ? on parle de pressions des autorites chinoises , est - ce exact 問: 2001平遙國際攝影大展的創辦者,現在只剩下司蘇實1人,外界傳言,有的人迫于政府的壓力,不參加了,事實是否是這樣呢?

Kerry ha on , a research scientist in the department of chemistry at ucr , said that su cree do an excellent job protecting agai t su urn ( 8 ) when used correctly 加州大學河濱分校化學系研究員克里。漢森說防曬霜在正確使用的情況下能出色地完成保護我們不被曬黑的工作。

Yoho is a cree indian word meaning “ awe “ or “ wonder , “ and the term fits this vest - pocket park in southeastern british columbia precisely 育空在克里語里面代表“敬畏”或者“驚異”的意思,對于這個位于英屬哥倫比亞東南的小型公園來說這是一個再恰當不過的形容詞了。

Si crees que algn archivo o algun juego vulnera algn copyright o derecho de autor , informanoslo 如果你認為任何比賽傷害版權,請,讓我們從知道

Even your i ndi genous americans - - uh , i believe it was your cree - - used to - - 雖然你們這些自作聰明的美國人呃我想你們這些家伙叫

Even your i ndi genous americans - uh , i believe it was your cree - used to - 雖然你們這些自作聰明的美國人呃我想你們這些家伙叫

The awakening of the ethnic awareness among the crees in canada 加拿大克里人民族意識的覺醒

The door of ruttledge s office whispered : ee : cree 拉特利奇那間辦公室的門吱? ?地低聲響著。

A probe on the living mode of the canadian crees 加拿大克里人生存模式探究