
credulous adj.輕信的,易受騙的。adv.-ly ,-ness ...


The person that employ to illegal intermediary or illicit action excessive is nonlocal enterprise or beijing head office is such - and - such the high pay invite applications for a job of factory of nonlocal branch , cent , no matter how its treatment is good , to apply for a job person the vigilance that ten million wants to maintain sober brains and altitude , not credulous his oral promise , it is not to go , 2 it is to labor safeguard branch seeks advice , deal with relevant formalities , can eat to have a deficit greatly otherwise , kite of the labour that be cheated is cheated to sell by trader in human beings even , the evening of regret 對非法中介或私招濫雇者為外地企業或北京總公司某某外地分公司、分廠的高薪招聘,不論其待遇多么好,求職者千萬要保持清醒的頭腦和高度的警惕,不要輕信他的口頭許諾,一是不去,二是到勞動保障部門咨詢,并辦理相關的手續,否則會吃大虧,被騙工騙錢甚至被人販子騙賣,悔之晚矣。

Here , consumer society warns broad customer , in sale busy season , want to hold to rational consumption , goods compares 3 , do not want credulous conduct propaganda , do not pursue cheap , have an insatiable desire for low 在此,消費者協會提醒廣大消費者,在銷售旺季,要堅持理性消費,貨比三家,不要輕信宣傳,不要圖便宜,貪低價。

He has a wife and eight children in bombay , but that does not prevent him from proposing marriage to any little femme de chambre who is stupid and credulous enough to be taken in by him 他在孟買有一個妻子和八個孩子,不過這并不妨礙他向又蠢又沒有心眼、上了他的當的女仆求婚。

Do not want credulous ad in cure , hospital of choice distinctive specialized subject makes effective treatment 在治療中不要輕信廣告,選擇有特色的專科醫院做有效治療!

And kate ' s not the most credulous art lovers or the most trusting of wives 而況,凱特既不是最容易受騙的藝術愛好者,也不是最容易信人的妻子。

Not the most credulous of art lovers , not the most trusting of wives 哪怕最容易受騙的藝術愛好者也不會,哪怕最容易信人的妻子也不會。

His sober , credulous companion , dr . watson , narrates all the sherlock holmes stories 20世紀初道爾兩次參選國會議員,卻都沒有當選。

Credulous : too ready to believe things 輕易相信的

The credulous investors believed in every word the analysts said 輕信別人的投資者完全相信分析員所說的一切。

= “ lara : oh , you ' re going to find me extremely credulous today . 噢,你會發現我今天特容易輕信別人。

Complexity results for restricted credulous default reasoning 若干限制形式的缺省推理的復雜性

They are credulous people who believe in the advertisement 他們是一些輕信廣告的人。

Only a credulous person would believe your story 只有輕信的人才會相信你的故事

Lily had a vague sense that the subject of their experiment was too young, too rich and too credulous . 麗莉認為他二人開玩笑的對象未免太年輕,太富有,太無生活經驗了。

It was a world of good little people, comfortable, industrious, credulous . 住在這里的是些善良的小人物,舒適,勤懇,自信。