
credulity n.輕信。


Really your organs of wonder and credulity are easily excited : you seem , by the importance you all - my good mama included - ascribe to this matter , absolutely to believe we have a genuine witch in the house , who is in close alliance with the old gentleman “好了,好了,你們這些好人, ”英格拉姆小姐回答道“別硬逼我了,你們的那些主管驚訝和輕信的器官,也實在太容易給激發起來了。你們大家也包括我的好姐姐都那么重視這件事似乎絕對相信這屋子里真有一個與惡魔勾結的巫婆。

I have perused several books of travels with great delight in younger days ; but having since gone over most parts of the globe , and been able to contradict many fabulous accounts from my own observation , it has given me a great disgust against this part of reading , and some indignation to see the credulity of mankind so impudently abused 我年輕時也曾以極大的興趣讀過幾本游記;但自從我走遍大部分地球,并且能根據自己的觀察反駁許多虛構的報道以后,我就非常厭惡這一部分讀物了,也憤恨人類如此輕信這種無恥讕言。

The subjective aspect of this crime is criminal negligence . that is to say , when the result of death and severe harm may be avoided , the personnel with general or average level can predict and prevent the result , whereas the doer does not foresee the possibility or not take reasonable actions to avoid it because of credulity . he is negligent 本罪的主觀方面是過失,也即,當就診人死亡或身體健康嚴重受損的危害結果可以避免時,處于相當業務地位的一般或平均水平的醫務人員能夠預見或避免危害結果發生,而行為人沒有預見到危害結果的發生或者雖然預見到危害結果發生的可能性但由于輕信而未采取適當避免措施致使危害結果發生的,行為人具有過失。

These claims are considered undesirable as they not only take advantage of credulity and fear of ill health , but may also result in improper self - medication , thereby causing harm as a result of either the improper self - medication itself , or the delayed proper treatment the consumer should receive 這些聲稱不但捕捉市民輕易相信廣告的心理和對疾病的恐懼,而且可能會令市民不當地自行用藥,結果因用藥不當、或延誤尋求妥善治療而損害健康,因此被視為不良聲稱。

“ this , however , is not a problem of abstract logic or technical functionality , but rather of ingenuity on the one hand and credulity on the other - - a rather different proposition . 然而,這不是抽象邏輯或技術功能性的課題,而是如何一方面達到精巧、而另一方面又容易使人相信的課題? ?一個截然不同的命題。

A and b component glue pump , gelatinize gun and safety valve are all from graco company of america . so it can ensure the credulity working 組份膠泵和b組份膠泵、涂膠槍、安全閥均采用美國格瑞克( graco )公司產品,確保工作可靠。

By factor analysis , we get five factors : physical abnormality , behavioral excess , depression , sensitivity and phobia , and credulity 通過因素分析得到了五個因素:生理異常、行為過度、抑郁、敏感恐懼、輕信。

Libyans have had a long time to grow used to such ironies , but their credulity has lately been stretched anew 利比亞人民早就對這種荒唐事見怪不怪,但是他們輕信的毛病最近又重新抬頭。

Confidence is a plant of slow growth in an aged bosom : youth is the season of credulity ( william pitt 信心是老人心中緩慢生長的植物;年輕是易輕信的時期(威廉姆?匹特) 。

What use were anger and protestations against her silly credulity 對于她那樣癡心的輕信,憤怒和抗議又有什么用呢?

He has practised on my credulity 他利用了我的輕信。

A little credulity helps one on through life very smoothly 如果你有點輕信別人,你的生活就會更如意

They seem to equate intelligent belief with credulity 他們似將理性的信念和輕信視為同一回事。

The rascal lives on the credulity of the people 那個流氓靠行騙為生。

His voice alone inspires one with absolute credulity 只有輕信的人才會相信他說的

He has had a deserved luck in discovering a story whose details would strain credulity if presented as fiction, and which is yet convincing . 算他走運,找到了一個故事,其中細節如果出以小說體裁,原是難以讓人相信的。

This was his harmless revenge for having occasionally had his credulity too easily engaged in america . 他在美國有時過于輕信而上了當,因此現在作了這不含惡意的報復。

As our credulity switched back to her she leaned forward with enthusiasm . 由于我們又傾向于聽信她的話,她又興致勃勃地把頭伸到前面。

His denunciation of stalin exposed the credulity of fellow-travellers . 他對斯大林的指責暴露了同路人的輕信。