
credo n.【宗教】教義;信條。


In the new century , hengjiang gifts package factory will al - ways adhere to her credo , quality first , brand first . we will attach more importance to quality , innovation , service and repution , trying to gain a firm foothold in the competitive market . we are sincerely to cooperate with you , creating a bright future 新世紀,恒江在經歷風雨之后探索出來未來的方向?走出品牌制勝之道;在未來,我們將融合品質、創新、服務、信譽的品牌力量,去開拓更大的市場,更輝煌的明天,我們竭誠與您共創!

A third person stopped in mid - walk and recited his credo for success as if he had memorized it in school : “ the alignment of culture with the company and the performance of people within that business strategy 第三位受訪者在街頭停下來,他猶如記起在學時念過的一句成功格言,娓娓道出:所謂成功,就是完全融入公司文化,并在公司的業務政策下有所表現。

Insisting on the credo of “ customer centered , survives on quality , develops on reputation , profits on management “ , we can provide high quality products , excellent service , competitive prices and prompt delivery 公司自成立以來,秉持著以顧客的最大需求為目標,以質量求生存,以誠信求發展,以管理求效益的經營理念。歡迎國內外朋友蒞臨指導,精誠合作。

Step with credo - elektro spol . s r . o . by telephone : by ( + 420 ) 318523205 , if it concerns prices to the high - quality offers like switchboards , manufacture as well as units , technology or also like station , distributors and transformer 是一家高級企業,該企業針對客戶需求制造專門的輪胎成型、服裝批量生產,分配器制造、配電器制造。

Although big business uses television to promulgate it as a sacred american credo , the very absence of competition is the reality , and a very sad one at that 有沒有可能競爭對他們是一回事,而對我們其他人又是一回事呢?對他們來說,意味著更加趨同,而對我們其他人意味著買更多的廢物,上更多的稅呢?

Looking back , the first day of this year ? that credo what ? i wrote on the wall , now i don ' t know how much i have done , i hope it would have done before the end of this year 回頭看到了自己在今年的第一天在墻上寫的一些鼓勵自己的話,現在看起來不知道完成了多少,希望在今年年底以前全都完成! !

Our credo is : two heads are better than one , many hands make light work . if you find anything in the tqs system is incomplete , inaccurate or improper , please feel free to express your opinions 如果您發現我們的tqs系統中有任何不完善,不準確,不合適的地方,請任意的發表自己的觀點。

Whatever christians do , they ought to demand meticulous conformity with honesty , hospitality and devotion . those who abide by the credo will gain the final goal 基督徒無論作什么事工,都當謹守“誠實,殷勤,忠心, ”六個字的要訣。會實用這六個字的人,一定能得到最后的勝利。

Operate on the credo : take care of your customers and the people who take care of your customers and the growth and profit will take care of themselves 有這么一條金科玉律:只要你能照顧好自己的客戶以及那些照顧客戶的員工,那么,公司的成長和利潤就會自然而然照顧到你。

Operate on the credo : take care of your customers and the people who take care of your customers and the growth and profit will take care of themselves 有這么一條金科玉律:只要你能照顧自己的客戶以及那些照顧客戶的員工,那么,利潤就會自然而然照顧到你。

The prevailing assumption , embodied in the credo “ one gene , one protein , ” has been that genes are generally synonymous with proteins 這個流行的假設具體表現了一基因一蛋白這項教條,將基因與蛋白質視為同義字。

Credo : hew out of mountain of despair a stone of hope and you can make your life a splendid one 公司信條:在絕望中尋找希望,在滿足中尋找超越,挑戰人生極限,實現人生新輝煌。

The male secretary has to reconcile his more orthodox credos with his female boss ' miniskirt lifestyle 男秘書不得不調整自己十分傳統的信條和她的新潮現代風格的女老板相一致。

The male secretary has to reconcile his more orthodox credos with his female boss ' miniskirt lifestyle 在女老板穿'迷你裙'生活方式前,男秘書不得不對他傳統的教條作出妥協。

The male secretary has to reconcile his more orthodox credos with his female boss ' miniskirt lifestyle 那個男秘書必須放棄自己正統的信條去迎合女老板開放的生活方式。

Credo ; it takes more than two weeks just to understand the nuances of xml namespaces 這一信條得出的,但僅僅是理解xml名稱空間的細枝末節,需要的時間就不止兩周。

An unconfirmed source adds that chen xiaoxu has been following the buddhist life credo for seven years 小道消息稱,陳曉旭已遵守佛教的清規戒律達七年之久。

A summary of our credo might be : “ open networks , closed servers , protected sessions . 總結我們的信條可能會說: “開放的網絡服務器關閉,保護時段.

The earliest version of this credo of the freemasons , dates back to 1400 共濟會的這種信條的最早版本可追溯到1400年。