
creditor n.債權人 (opp. debtor);【會計】貸方〔略...


Keep stalling the creditors i ' ll call you back 先拖著,我再給你打電話

Creditors have better memories than debtors 放債人的記憶較欠債人的好

On legal nature of the creditor ' s acceptance 債權人受領之法律性質的探析

Discussion on the nature of the creditor ' s right of subrogation 債權人代位權的性質探討

The creditors knew about your down payment 那些債主又知道你有筆預付定金

Japan is the world ' s largest creditor nation 日本為全世界最大的債權國。

Analysis of creditor ' s financial camera management 債權人財務相機治理探析

Studying on some problems about creditor ' s subrogation 代位權若干問題探討

Analyzing the third party harming the creditor ' s rights 淺析第三人侵害債權的侵權行為

7 other activities harming the interests of creditors 七其他損害債權人利益的行為。

His creditors came down on him for prompt payment of his bills 債權人催他盡快付帳

The creditor ? equity is the same as liabilities 債權人的凈資產值就是負債。

The creditors decided ot initiate a bankruptcy proceeding 債權人決定提起破產之訴。

Several ideas on turning a creditor s right into a stock right 關于債轉股的幾點思考

The creditors knew about your down payment . . 那些債主又知道你有筆預付定金…

The creditor ' s protection mechanism of bankruptcy law 破產法中的債權保護機制

The creditors thought it would be good for trade “債權人認為這樣做可以抬高價錢。

The creditor ' s equity is the same as liabilities 債權人的凈資產值就是負債。

Accounts , debtors , creditor and budget settings 會計科目債務人債權人及預算設定