
creditably adv.美滿地,有信譽地;值得稱許地;不愧,有體面,很好...


So great is the reserve of the body that the heart , even though ( the heart is ) enlarged , if taken proper care of will perform its allotted task creditably 人體的潛力是如此之大,以致即使心臟肥大,只要得到適當的照顧,心臟就能夠可靠地完成它所擔負的任務(省略部分予以補充) 。

“ ah , take care , you were teaching me just now how , in case of an invitation to dinner , one might creditably make an excuse 您剛才還在教我遇到人家請吃飯的時候怎么去編造一個可信的借口來推托。我要看看你有沒有事先有約會的證據。

Both of them were even a little intoxicated , but they behaved very creditably 現在兩人都有幾分醉意,但是他們的舉止還很得體。

He is a pleasant fellow , and would jilt you creditably . 他是個有趣的家伙,他會用很體面的辦法把你遺棄。 ”

I felt a considerable extension of power and authority, and was anxious to acquit myself creditably . 我感到自己的力量和權力都大大地擴大了,而且急切地想表現得讓別人信得過。

He is a pleasant fellow, and would jilt you creditably . 他是個有趣的家伙,他會用很體面的辦法把你遺棄。