
creditable adj.聲譽好的,可欽佩的;可信任的;可稱許[贊揚]的;...


The magistrate had earlier remarked that the examination system was an important milestone for the academic or employment future of students that must be kept fair , just , clean and creditable 裁判官較早前向袁判刑時指出,考試制度是學生的學業或求職前途的重要里程碑,他們有責任維持有關制度的公平公正廉潔及公信力。

Shandong huaxing plate printing and can making company ltd . is your creditable friend . we provide good service for the customers and welcome you to do transactions and co - operate with us 山東華星印鐵制罐有限公司是您信賴的合作伙伴,愿為廣大客戶提供優良服務,熱情歡迎各界朋友光臨惠顧,洽談業務、互相合作。

You are expected to be willing to research technologies assiduously , have clear working plans and orderliness . you should have organizing ability and writing skill , plus be honest and creditable 紡織化工相關專業本科以上學歷,能夠刻苦鉆研技術,工作計劃性條理性強,有一定的組織能力和文字功底,誠實守信。

The company has passed iso9001 : 2000 national quality management certification , china compulsory certification and creditable enterprise certificate ( certified by industrial and commercial bureau ) 公司已通過iso9001 : 2000國家質量管理體系認證,獲得3c榮譽證書,并被工商管理局授予“守信企業”稱號。

“ be honest and creditable “ is a law that must be obeyed in marketing , while serving society and enhancing the development of economy are new precinct sought by the enterprise continuously 誠信是市場銷售必須遵循的一條法則,而服務社會,促進社會經濟的發展則是企業不斷追求的一個新境界。

“ be honest and creditable “ is a law that must be obeyed in marketing , while serving society and enhancing the development of economy are new precinct sought by the enterprise continuously 誠信是市場銷售必須遵循的一條法則,而服務社會,促進社會經濟的發展則是企業不斷追求的一個新境界。

Base on our creditable management , we k eep on creating and innovating , and earn a lot in technical cooperation and cultural exchanges 經營之道,貴在誠信。我們全體參展團體及客商將以誠為本,以發展為前提,以雙贏為基點,積極開展與多方的技術交流、產品研發、合作貿易。

High - class technology , well - content service , in pursuit of the identical value with customers , annamo will be your most creditable cooperation associate 一流的技術、稱心的服務,與客戶一致的價值追求,安耐立得公司終將成為您最值得信賴的合作伙伴。

We have attended the beijing construction materials transaction center under the qualification of the state creditable quality checking office 公司以質量信得過及國家檢測合格達標企業的身份加入北京建設工程材料交易中心,及工程項目的建材投標。

The bill market in china today is in the ascendant . the influence on a perfect economic and creditable society will be further than today 中國的票據市場仍然處于方興未艾的階段,它對一個完善的經濟和信用社會的作用將遠遠超出現實的情況。

Although profits for most banks are likely to have fallen in the first half of 2002 , the banking industry in hong kong continues to deliver a creditable performance 盡管大部分銀行的盈利都可能有所減少,但香港銀行業仍可說是表現不俗。

The numbers coming out may not look attractive to the casual observer , but they are nevertheless creditable in today s difficult environment 銀行即將公布的數字驟眼看來可能不大理想,但在目前困難的環境下,他們的表現已可說是不俗了。

This machine adopts non - leakage oil configuration of reducer initially with few maintenance and creditable capacity , which gets high praise from exports 該機首次采用減速器不漏油結構,其維修量低,使用可靠,受到鑒定專家的高度評價!

Her feelings were exceedingly creditable , in that they constructed out of these recent developments something which conquered freedom from dishonour 從他們最近的感情發展中,她想象赫斯渥將能使她擺脫目前這種不體面的生活。

Steve finnan believes liverpool ' s battered confidence has been restored following the creditable champions league draw in holland on tuesday night 斯蒂夫.芬南相信利物浦已經在星期二荷蘭的歐洲冠軍杯的平局中重拾信心了。

Relying on creditable quality , good prestige , perfect service and reasonable price , the company has won the confidence of the customer 公司以過硬的質量,良好的信譽,完善的服務,合理的價格贏得了客戶的信任。

At the same time , it can offer more creditable data for the hardware - in - the - loop simulation and the flight experiment 同時,也可以為控制系統的半實物仿真以及飛行器實際飛行提供更為可信的參考數據。

With the kindest concern he came on to longbourn , and broke his apprehensions to us in a manner most creditable to his heart 他無限關切地來到了浪搏恩,把他的種種疑慮全都誠心誠意地告訴了我們。

On this basis , the article puts forward suggestions for prompting enterprises to do business in a more creditable way 最后,在博弈分析的基礎上,提出了促進企業誠信化經營的相關建議。