
credit n.1.信用,信任。2.名譽,名望,聲望。3.贊揚,稱許...

credit bureau

Henry ford often gets credit for the assembly line . 亨利福特的裝配技術常常得到人們的稱贊。

His improved performance does credit to his trainer . 他的表演有進步,這應該歸功于他的教練。

Your account is in credit . 你的帳上有余額。

The letter of credit expired . 信用證已過期。

He assumes that all transactions are financed by credit . 他假定所有的交易都是以信用支付。

Full credit must go to him . 全部功勞都得歸他。

It does her credit that she managed not to get angry . 她沉住氣沒發脾氣,這是值得稱贊的。

Clifton remained in his seat until the credits came on . 克利夫頓坐著一直看到出現演員表。

There was little credit for those who had worked hardest . 幾乎沒表揚那些工作最努力的人。

Much of the world today gives credit to karl benz . 世上許多人如今將功勞歸于卡爾本茲。

Domestic credit and inflation increased significantly . 國內信貸和通貨膨脹大幅度增加。

He had not credited her with that much ingenuity . 他真還沒料到她還有這樣的聰明才智!

The wrong man got the credit of it . 給別人搶了功。

His ambition does him credit . 他的野心對他有好處。

How much do i have to my credit ? 我帳上有多少存款?

I will use my credit with her to persuade bet to go . 我將憑她對我的信任以說服她去。

They are out for credits . 他們已經出門來尋求信貸了。

She really does you credit . 她沒有辜負你的一片苦心。

Our employees decided to set up a credit fund . 我們的職工決定要設立一筆貸款基金。